
What laws would you introduce or remove from Britain's roads?

by  |  earlier

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For example, if you were Transport Secretary in Gordon Brown's cabinet, what laws would you like to introduce or remove regarding Britain's roads?

A few of my suggestions:

- Ban speed cameras

- Increase motorway speed limit to 80mph

- Introduce a minimum motorway speed to prevent obstruction - 50mph

- Fine drivers for deliberately tailgaiting other road users




  1. Ban cyclists and women ( particularly brain dead young girls ) drivers and anyone under 30 ,micra owners ,dawdlers ,horse riders . oh , and dont sell high powered cars unless a proven good driving record .and horse drawn all what you said.

  2. I would make it legal to kill anyone pulls up in the right hand lane at lights, waits till the lights turn green, THEN signals right, leaving you trapped behind them.

    Not that this really, really, really, really annoys me or anything.

    Oh, and the same for motorway middle lane hogs.

  3. Well done - your measures would instantly lead to a minimum of an extra 1000 deaths per year on British roads. And that's not opinion, that's hard and fast statistics.

    We don't need to change laws, we just need drivers to stick to the current ones.

  4. Give way to pedestrians at the exit of petrol stations. Most drivers don't realise they are crossing the footpath and pedestrians have the right of way.

  5. Cor blimey - what a question, and some very different responses!

    Well I like the bit about tailgating - but I think you can already be done for this.

    Unfortunately - it's like any motoring offence, people will continue to tailgate because the chances of them being caught are SO slim - they don't worry.

    You sit beside a busy road for an hour and count the number of people texting or actually talking on their mobiles! They know that IF they get caught, they will only get a small fine and a few points on their licence - IF they get caught!

    If the penalties for tailgating, for example, were stiffer, and the police were actually allowed to stay out on the streets instead of having to constantly fill in forms, I think you would find that people would start to realise the cons far outweigh the pros!

    Do you drink and drive?

    Do you speed - even 5 mph over? Do you answer your phone and hold it down by your knees? Do you go through the lights on amber? I bet most people say "yes" to these q's but "no" to the first - think about why!

    Could they make people feel the same way about driving too close as they do about drink driving?

  6. Restrict the engine size for younger drivers 17-21.

  7. I would make driving without insurance an offence that carries a lifetime ban from diving.

  8. I'd like to see...

    1. Higher motorway speed limit

    2. HGV's banned from the road from 8am-6pm

    3. Power/engine size limit for new and young drivers

    4. Tougher penalties for no tax/mot/insurance/licence offences

    5. Speed humps removed

    6. Lower speed limit in the vicinity of schools

    7. Mandatory 5 yr re-tests for all drivers

    And last but most certainly not least...

    8. abolition of VED (road tax), difference made up in fuel duty

    How simple a system would that be? the more you use, the more you pay and would add approx 1p to a litre of fuel.

    (obviously the sums would have to be fine tuned!!)

  9. - Ban speed cameras

    - Increase motorway speed limit to 80mph

    and basically just withdraw all the stupid reasons to fine the motorist

  10. ban drivers over 50yrs,

    the older u get the less awareness they have they cause the most accidents,

    other than that im happy with the law!

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