
What leg workouts can i do to strengthen my legs.?

by  |  earlier

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Im just training at home. any exercises so that i can train my legs to make them faster, stronger for punching power, etc?




  1. squats and deadlifts and hard sprinting

  2. Here is a workout called "Tyson Rocks".  Mike Tyson used to do these and it is a great workout.

    Take a handful of rocks (or checkers, or something small that you can easily pick up and put down).

    Say you are starting with "4".  Here is what you do:

    1) Keep your back straight at all times and your feet together

    2) Start with 1,  Bend down and put 1 rock on the ground and come back up.  Now bend down again and pick it up

    3) Go to 2.  Bend down and put 1 rock down and come back up, bend down and put rock #2 down.  Now go down and pick 1 up, and come back up, then go down and pick #2 up.

    4) Now do 3.  Put them down 1 at a time.  Pick them up 1 at a time.

    4) Now do 4.

    For 4, you should be doing a total of 20 squats.  It doesn't sound like much but it works.  If you are not sore the next day, then you can up your total until you feel a good burn from it.  But don't overdue it as if your legs get too sore, you won't be able to effectively work out the next day.  Believe me, I know from experience.

  3. Squats are far and away the best.  

  4. do squats and lots of them

    it works real good

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