Recently, I posted my Wii for $300 on craigslist Delaware. It was my first venture into craigslist and probably my last. Me, unknowing of anything about online sale of items, accepted a request from a person in California asking for me to send the Wii to their fiance in Nigeria for $430 including shipping fees. The payment method they wished to use was Paypal, and I obliged.
So, after I talked to them about the package, they "sent" the payment to me and I received an email from "Paypal" saying that the payment would be verified once I gave them the tracking number for the package. So, as it turns out, after they said I would get the money in 1-2 days after I give them the tracking number, I've been waiting for 3 days, and still have not received any word...
So, as to say that this is a scam, what legal action can be taken? Is there any possible way to either get my package back, or call them out on it and get my money for it?