
What legal highs could i get from a supermarket? COME ON THERE MUST BE SOMETHING FOOD WISE TO MAKE ME TRIP!

by Guest58212  |  earlier

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What legal highs could i get from a supermarket? COME ON THERE MUST BE SOMETHING FOOD WISE TO MAKE ME TRIP!




  1. chocolate  works for me.

  2. Lots of stuff comes up googling these two :.

    Tryptophan, Serotonin,

    " Tryptophan is a chemical that the brain uses to make a neurotransmitter called serotonin. High levels of serotonin can produce feelings of elation, even ecstasy "


    Baked beans on toast with fried eggs on top.

    Sardines in tomato sauce.

    Porridge with Cinnamon and seeds:

    Well maybe not in that order :)



    Chocolate and Anxiety :-


    And when that lot works ,,

    Try googling p**p and high,

    No Joke.

    Maybe not; eewwww  ll:(


    And another google for you :

    exercise and high

    No kid

  3. Quite simple : slip on a grape and sue the pants off them.

  4. NUTMEG  

  5. For food induced high try chocolate or red bull or large quantities of coke anything with high sugar.

    To become subdued and delirious try big-big quantities of food -to the point to make yourself sick. It is a kind of drug.  

  6. nutmeg.  If you eat a lot, or add some grated nutmeg to a cigarette.  never personally tried it, but I hear it is pretty stong!

  7. The classic is nutmeg which contains the chemical myristicin.  

    Effects can range anywhere from a mild high to a full-blown deliriant experience with auditory and visual hallucinations, closed-eye visuals, and shifts in perception.

    A heaping tablespoon of freshly ground nutmeg will do the trick. However, you should take heed that this can also produce nausea and vomiting.

  8. umm coffee lmao

  9. Whippets. Cans of whipped cream are charged with nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas. They're kind of expensive though. A can costs around $3 and the high lasts for about 15 seconds.

  10. Coffee

    Red Bull



    Getting a life....oh soz you can't buy those  LOL

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