
What legal rights do single unwed mothers have that has a baby with the boyfriend and living with him and mom?

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I'm a single unwed mother that has a baby from my boyfriend and living with him and his mother what are legal rights as a single unwed mother?




  1. You really don't have any.  You are not entitled to any of the boyfriend's money, except what is owed for the child.  You live with a mama's boy and his mommy, so mommy dearest gets all the rights in that house as to what you get to do.  If you don't like his mother telling you how to raise your child, move out.  That's a legal right you have.

    My advice is to either get married and move out, or break up if he's so dog gone afraid of commitment and no more s*x when not married.

    Edit: Now if you were really married instead of just shacking, you'd be entitled to everything of the husband's.

  2. To do what?  Your question is too general.

    Your rights depend on the laws where you live.  Where is that?

  3. Rights regarding what?

    Housing?  none... unless you are paying rent.

    Parental rights?  half, along with him.

    Gun rights?... same as every other citizen

    What exactly is your question and how come you're making babies with men you aren't married to?   You're part of "the problem"... get it?

  4. You are the baby's mother.  Since you live together, you and your boyfriend are the custodial parents at this time.  You and your boyfriend both have legal rights to make decisions concerning the baby's care.  As you are living together right now, you cannot petition for child support in most states.  His mother has no rights at all regarding the baby, but she can always threaten to kick you out of the house.

  5. You have responsibilities. Stop thinking about you and focus on your baby.

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