
What legendary creatures exist?

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I know a corps of Bigfoot has been found, and giant squids do exist, but what other mythical and legendary creatures exist? send me links of them and lets see who does and doesn't exist.




  1. Me.

  2. By very definition if it is a legend it does not exist.

  3. All of them. They all live in our minds.

  4. Every magical creature you can think of exists. Is there proof they DONT exist, no. there is more proof they do, and God created creatures for this world only those that believe can see. miracles happen with magical creatures. these legendary creatures include-




    loch ness



    God of course and Jesus



    and many others. you can email me for more.

  5. POSSIBALY Loch Ness Monster, but no one knows.

  6. ME! lol! No but did you hear about that "vampire dog" or "chupacabra" as it is called in folklore?

  7. umm - I think your question's an oxymoron

  8. lizard man and  living dinosours

  9. the bigfoot is probably fake.

  10. Does Jesus count too? As he lives next door to me. He is 12.

    I know this, as I have heard his mum yelling at top of her voice to him every morning ' Jesus Christ, are you not up yet?'

  11. coelacanth exists after being though extinct, so theres bound to be more out there

  12. I exist, though I take slight offense to the term creature, being a Lady.

    Now people, you know very well he meant supposed legendary creatures. Though I doubt you will find proof of their existence simply by asking random strangers over the internet.

    If you would be willing to take my word for it, I can tell you that Bigfoot does exist. He throws terrible parties however. I am not exactly a camping type. Werewolves or Lycanthropes, do exist and can be rather fun at parties. I do not have a disliking for them as some of my fellow kind do. Frankenstein's "monster" does exist as well, but he tends to keep to himself. Of course there are my brothers and sisters, so to speak. We are wonderful at parties as long as the food is fresh.

  13. Get a grip.

  14. I can go with the giant squids b/c they've been found (though we don't know how big they can get).  Bigfoot,  I say who knows?  Everything else....I don't thing they do.  

  15. Probably not many.  We can count out the mythical ones like fairies and unicorns for a start.  The rest, if they exist, are probably animals which are very reclusive and living in remote and inaccessible areas.

    Personally, I doubt that there is a Loch Ness monster, although I've read enough accounts to believe that a Yeti-like creature may exist in Central Asia somewhere.

  16. no 1 knows

  17. Nobody can ever truly answer that question, and anybody could be lying. If I came up to you and said that I had seen a unicorn riding on a rainbow, chasing a leprechaun, would you actually believe me? No, of course not, but what if it were actually true? If I told you I had seen some sort of blurry image, a spirit, and sounded convincing, you would believe me, right? But then again, I could be lying. See my point? Don't trust anyone on a website where anybody could be somebody entirely different from what they pretend to be..

  18. Michael Jordan is legendary and he definitely exists.

  19. Unicorns and fairies are all over the place :D heehee!

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