
What length Shortboard should I get?

by  |  earlier

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I am 6 ft, I weigh 160 lbs., and I'm pretty athletic. I would get a hybrid to learn on but I can't afford the expensive car rack and board, so what length shortboard should I get?




  1. "....What Size Board Should I Get? ....

    .......What really matters is that the length, width and thickness match your requirements. The chart below has specific recommendations of board size in relation to a person’s athletic profile and weight. This can be a valuable tool for ordering a board...."


    "......*The Perfect Length for the Intermediate to Advanced Surfers:

    Shortboards: 5’8” to 6’10”....

    .....**Usually when you talk with someone about length of board and shape they will talk like its 2 different subjects. But the reality is, with a few exceptions, that your length will determine your shape.**........

  2. you should definetally get a board that it a few inches taller than you,  like 3-4, or maybe an inch bigger if you are excpected to grow. it should be thin and then you can look for a board from there. also, i really suggest asking the surf store employees since they always are surf experts and have this question asked all the time. also always look around for a few days to a week to find a good price and quality.

  3. A couple things to consider are: The length, the with of the board, the thickness, the tail style (pin tail, round, swallow), fins, nose.  So, i would suggest a 6-7board.  Boards that size can  fit in your normal sized car, trust me i have done it. As long as racks go, you dont have to buy permanent racks!  you can get rope like racks that work great for long boards!

  4. Vlad. Do your self a huge favor. Don't do what I did 34 years ago and buy a board that is too advanced for you. IE. one that looks good on the rack, and under your arm, but is a total disaster in the sea.

    My choice of board 5"10 twin fin put my surfing back years. Don't go under 7 foot 6, and that is a bit small.

    Volume. You need Lots of volume , Lots of float and lots of length.

    Trying to learn to surf on a wizz stick is like trying to learn to drive in a Ferrari.

  5. If your 6 ft then i sugest you to go with a 7 ft longboard, cus they are easier to paddle and to stand up on.


  6. all depend on the waves, im 6'2, 225 and i ride a 6'8, i can ride shorter boards if the waves are stronger, sounds like you are around a 6'2 board, good luck

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