
What length girth?

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The gentleman I bought my horses (Arabian mares) from gave me a saddle since he will not be riding anymore. However the girth is missing and I need to buy a new one.

I need to know what length girth to add to this saddle. The horses (when they get to full weight) will weigh 775 and 800 lb.





  1. a 56 is the grith that u need if not get some griths and put a saddle on your horses and put the grith on the 1 hole and if the grith drags on the ground then it is too big if it tochs the ground thenit is just right if it is hanging it is 2 small

  2. If it is an english saddle, this is what you do:

    Put the saddle on your horse.  Measure from about the 2nd or 3rd hole, and there is your measurement.

    If it is a western saddle, then this is what you do:

    Put the saddle on your horse.  Measure from the front rigs, and subtract 16.  You need to subtract 16 because you need to leave 8 inches of latigo on each side of the saddle.

  3. After you do the measurement as everyone has said, look at how many inches it is.  Girths are sized in inches.  If you decide to get one with elastic will allow for extra stretch (which is good for the horse so it will give when he breathes and easier to attach to the billets and tighten) and you should take that into account.  The "average" sized girth is 42"-44".

    This applies to an english girth.

  4. Put your saddle on the horse. take a tape measure and measure from about the 2nd or thrid hole from the bottom of the girth straps on the saddle on both sides. Next go to a tack shop. Explain how you did the measurements to a staff memeber and theyll point you in the right direction.

  5. put the saddle on, take a tape measure or piece of string  and get someone to help you. Get them to hold it on one side the saddle on aprox the 2nd girth hole and then take this under and to the 2nd girth hole on the other side the saddle. This will give you an approx length. Tryu and measure in inches and cm, as most girths are sold in these measurements. Get a girth that will not rub (ie padded synthetic one) maybe with elastic on one side to give you some give when the horse puts weight on and then gets fit again. good luck
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