
What lessons do you like to see that children books could teach ?

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What lessons do you like to see that children books could teach ?




  1. 1. It is not good to be jealous of younger siblings

    2. Be nice to all living things especially your pet

    3. Being polite and greet elders with respect

    4. Personal hygiene, less finger sucking

    5. Always ask permission before taking someone's things

  2. I like to see a children's story book that teaches the kids a lesson on how to accept people who are different.

    It's always a good idea to teach your children not to make fun of someone just because they are different. (short, tall, fat, skinny, black, white, glasses, hearing aids, braces, disabled, etc)

    That's what I'm trying to teach my 5 year old son.

    Cheers and *hugs*

  3. I personally like books that engage the reader.  A story in which children have the opportunity to give feedback ask questions.  I LOVE books that ask the reader questions.  This extends learning, enhances problem solving, and builds language development.

  4. not to tease or bully others, be nice

    not to cheat, steal or lie, be honest

    say please and thank you, have good manners

  5. how to accept differences, conflict resolution, positive images of both men and women- no stereotyping!

  6. Eat a balance meal. Don't over starve yourself.

  7. How to be polite to one another, especially to their elders. Books on children's manners.

  8. how to share, how to go potty in the right place, a sense of adventure, manners, how to eat spagetti, to be ok with not everyone being the same and like robots, and they need to learn that the world doesn't always revolve around them, and that global warming exists and it's bad

  9. Ever book should have a moral in it that children can understand. For older children the Chronicles of Narnia is a great series that teach a number of life lessons and faith.

    We also have other children's authors that teach love, faith and understanding. There are hundreds of Authors out there and more I just haven't read yet. Books that people read to children should always be age appropriate or appropriate for that child.

  10. The good values tought through plays and stories. That's what kids like.

    I remember one of my childhood books, it was an amaizing fairy-tails book, its just I cannot find it anymore.. You were lucky to have it back.

  11. None really let children be children because they grow up so fast & Mum should do the teaching i think, thats the trouble today every one else does the work for the parent instead of the parent & other people also rear the child as well

  12. sharing,understanding,

  13. How to accept others who are different from them.

  14. honesty loyalty, sharing, numbers, cleaning there rooms, friendship, kindness, along those lines.

  15. Self-esteem, getting along with others, real world experiences,  and sometimes just to entertain and broaden their minds.  Also having children learn to use their imaginations.

    Favorite Authors: Eric Carle, Jan Brett, Judy Blume, Hank the Cow Dog author (sorry I cannot think of his name), and some of Dr. Seuss.

  16. Anti-War would be a them I would like to see. And anti-propaganda.

  17. i think children should learn more about helping others when they are in trouble, whether they are your friends or your enemies.....and also understand the true meaning of friendship, that alone you are nothing compared to the strength of should also teach that come what may, a person should never ever lose hope, and continue on their way to achieve their goals

  18. Be nice to Peter Cottontail?

  19. empathy, manners, kindess to people and animals

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