
What level Of Tennis is the Buggy Whip Shot?How do you do it?

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hi i wanted to know what level is the buggy whip shot. when i mean level i mean like rating like what rating should you be able to do it? 4.0? 5.0? and how do you do it?




  1. The rating system is used to describe the level at which a player is able to compete which is dependent on your overall tennis game.

    Saying the buggy whip shot is a 4.0 shot doesn't make sense as the rating system talk about all around play (consistency and control mostly)

    When you are playing at any competitive level, should you have the buggy whip shot. It does not hurt to posses the extra shot as it can win you the point but in reality, you'll probably only need to hit that shot once or twice during a match.

    To hit this shot, all you need to focus on is two things.

    1. Getting your body into the ball so that you are pushing the ball forward. Do this by moving forward into the ball.

    2. Torque your body as much as possible into the ball. When your are getting ready to hit the ball, start by twisting your hips backwards. Then get your arm windedup and when it can't turn back anymore, unwind into the ball leading with the unwinding of your hips first followed by your arm. This rotational motion generated from your hips and arm creates the curve on the ball.

    The overall stroke appears as a whip like effect which is where I believe it got it's name.

  2. I'm not sure what level this is...actually i didn't even know it was an actual shot until i saw your question and looked it up...

    i am a 15 year old 4.5 girl, and i take a lesson with a pro once every other week, and this shot was never taught to me.

    i just instictively began doing it when i am pulled out wide on my forehand side and am hitting from an open stance.

    basically, (im assuming you are right-handed), when you follow through on your forehand, you come up over your right shoulder instead of going across your body.

    watch out, though...if you begin hitting off of your back foot and putting too much topspin on it (it generates a lot) your shots may not be deep.

    i generally do this if my opponent has already put a lot of pace on the ball.

  3. I use it a little, the point is almost always in favor of your opponent if you have to pull out this shot.

    If you are able to place it well it will help you get back into the point but at a high level its really pretty easy to put these kinds of shots away for an easy point.  

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