
What level of ridding am I?

by  |  earlier

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I have been ridding for 8 years

I show and compete first level dressage

I show and compete in jumping up to 3' feet

I have taught lessons

I ride western sometimes in fun shows

I start young horses from ground work to under saddle

I trail ride




  1. Intermediate

  2. It's spelled RIDING.  Only one letter "d".  Not "ridding".  

    Ridding is something you do to free yourself of something, like  "I'm ridding myself of my part time job so I have more time for RIDING".  

  3. you're exped/pro/godly, dude,  :)

  4. intermidate.....

  5. What everyone forgets or doesn’t realize is that there are two parts to being a good rider. The first is certain skills you have achieved such as walk/trot/canter or jumping. This is where seeing a video might come in handy for you just telling us means nothing.

    The second part is your understanding. You need to understand what happened why it happened and how you are going to fix it. If you can’t do that for every moment of you rider on every horse then you are still a beginner. If you know exercises and ways to fix your mistakes then you are probably doing ok.

    . A good rider needs to understand what is going on according to the training pyramid in order to get the best results.

  6. Well you start young horses so I would say your expert,  

  7. intermiedate  

  8. tell me how often you ride a day and then i can tell you what level you are

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