
What level of rider am I?

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I can do western pleasure,dressage, trail riding,english,bareback , and western...the only thing i need/want to learn is to pick up the speed!!! such as running and galloping....and would like to learn more...




  1. well, to me, it sounds like you're an intermediate-advanced rider.

  2. we can't really tell what level rider you are because we have no visual evidence. (video would be best, but pictures are good too)

    I am surprised how many disciplines you already know. but how well do you know them? did you go in depth or just learn a little? just because you are riding in a western, dressage or english saddle doesnt mean you KNOW how to do it.  anyone can just get on.

    experience is also the key, the more experience you have with different horses, the better. it improves your riding and gives you a feel for how every horse moves differently.

    just keep an open mind to learn anything. it seems like you are doing very well. some people are what they call "natural" riders, they pick it up very quickly and have a natural talent. and for others it takes years.

    you have much, much more you need to learn than to just pick up speed. you are never too old to learn, and you can never know it all.

  3. probably intermediate. but i don't think that horseback riding ability shoud be measured like that. everybody rides a little differently than other people. and nobody is truly advanced. there is always more room for improvement or learning.

  4. if you have to ask, then its advanced beginner at best.... just because you've been in different saddles doesnt mean you know how to ride the disciplines (ex. - it takes years to become an expert dressage rider)...and you havent figured out that galloping is the correct word for "running"...

    get back to your lessons and be patient.. you'll get there...

  5. You pretty good!

  6. I am impressed by the various types of riding that you do.  The question is how well do you do each of them?  If the answer is "I am the best and my horse and I do very well as a team"  then I would say you are an advanced rider!  Good luck in all you do. Keep a good attitude and always never stop learning!

  7. Its not about what you know, its about what you want to know. Keep an open mind and keep learning new things.

  8. No one can tell you what level of rider you are unless they actually SEE you ride.

    As for what you can do--it doesn't really matter what kind of riding you do, like the person above me said--its how well you do them.

    Also, I personally dont believe that anyone can be a good rider unless they can ride various horses well. Anyone can find one dead broke horse and call themselves a good rider because they can ride that ONE particular horse. A really good rider can go from riding a bombproof pony to riding a skiddish, white-eyed thoroughbred without completely falling apart.

    So thats my answer. Hope I helped.

  9. It's not what you ride, its how you ride. You seem like your inbetween beginner and slightly advanced if you cant canter or jump yet.

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