
What liabilities and responabilities do Leasee's have in an apartment?

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The lease owner is gone and his name was not removed from the lease. Also hes out of country and me and my roommate are Leasee's. There has been a filing for eviction on the leaseowner and since hes not available will that eviction record fall on us?




  1. NOT quite clear what's going on. . . . .

    A lease has two parties, the lessor and the lessee--otherwise known as Landlord and Tenant.

    Which are you and who are you calling the lease owner?

    If you are LESSEES on the written lease, why is there an eviction notice against some one else???

    Who were the parties to the original lease?

  2. It sounds like you are subleasing which is typically illegal.  If you have been paying rent to the guy with his name on the lease and you got an eviction notice - that means that the rent was not getting to the owner/landlord.

    if this is the case - then the eviction will go on his record only- not yours because the landlord probably doesn't even know you exist. but you will be the one physically removed when the eviction goes thru.

    If subleasing is not what you meant than I have no clue

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