
What liberal or otherwise is FOR Hillary? and why?

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satan's news networks keep saying she has 45% of the people behind her but from where i'm sitting it doesnt seem to be nearly that much.




  1. The average American can see through the Clintons, both of them.  You are hearing media hype.

  2. i dont consider my self anything but american.why cause all they want is to make us miserable. hilary will shut down the oilfeilds if she gets in wich will take alot of people out of work and us buying fuel from other countrys so I PRAY TO GOD she dont get in.

  3. where are you sitting and how much support do you see from that view.

    I thought you con's didn't like polls ?


  4. God help us all if she becomes pres.


  5. I don't see it, and neither do the people at eatmehillary,com . She has 50% of the nation who say they are AGAINST her. Doesn't seem like she is going anywhere to me.

  6. Slick Willy is for Hillary...He wants to be the first lady.. He can't wait to give her the little black book of people who are waiting to play with her in the oval office...maybe Monica's brother? Or maybe Monica again, can you see the headlines.. Mrs. President cheats on her husband First Willy, and it is Monica, Slick Willy is furious with jealousy...This witch won't get in the office, and if by some chance she does, Lord help us!!!!

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