
What life lesson have you learned this month?

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...I have heard it said that a wise man never stops learning, whether it be from books or close observations of circumstances of every day life it is wise to be observant and learn.

...I think the Bible states somewhere, probably in Proverbs that "wisdom cries out in the streets."

Please share what lesson you have learned this month about life in general.

...this week I read a funny cartoon from Ziggy. Ziggy was climbing this high mountain to reach some wise guru to ask him the secret of life. Once he got to the top the guru stated..." the secret of life is exactly what they tell you in school.."sit down, shut up and pay attention!"

I guess I learned this week that sometimes maybe most times I need to zip my lips and listen to what others are saying, maybe I might learn something.




  1. Don't go into a relationship unless you know the guy pretty well... a lesson that would be awesome if everyone learned

    Make sure your friends all know how much you care about them no matter how annoying they might be at the time

    Don't beat around the bush.. say what you really mean

    If you get hurt, pick yourself up, dust off and move on as best you know how.

    Don't let other people's problems take over your life.

  2. Don't waste your time with people who continue to lie and hurt you, even if you love them.

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