
What lines of attack has McCain left now?

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John McCain's attacks were:

1. Obama is not experienced. But his VP is less experienced

2.. I am not Bush. But his VP supports more or less everything that Bush did, and what she doesn't McCain supports.

3. Obama does not know national security. See point 1.

4. Obama is an out of touch celeb. But McCain has $400 shoes and doesn't know how many houses he has.

So from what I know the only thing left to McCain that he is liberal. But the problem with this is that what is the opposite? McCain is a conservative, this won't work will with independents or moderates.

What do you think his lines of attack will be now.




  1. Not to worry,  Obama and Biden will give McCain all kinds of lines of attack.  Plenty of Mob territory to check out.  Try Ayers and Bufalino for starters.

  2. He thinks, Palin was it, try try again.  He is so jealous of Obama, he can't see straight. I can not wait until Election Day.  McCain thinks, we want 4 more years, of George W. Bush.  He is sadly mistaken.  This storm, happened for a reason, at this time when it was time for the Republicans to have their convention.  People, are a lot more interested in knowing where this storm is heading then watching McCain and Palin.  Obama Rocks.  

  3. I hope he loses big time.

  4. 1. The VP isn't the one being elected president.  Straw man.

    2. See point 1.

    3. See point 1.

    4. I think most professional men own at least one pair of expensive shoes.  (Most I've ever spent on a pair is $300; $400 is not extravagant.)  The houses thing is just not as big a deal as liberals want it to be - lots of people own stakes in real estate as investments without realizing it.

  5. The lines of attack are as infinate as his imagination... its a GOP point of pride, no one can tell them the world isn't how they imagine it is.

    putting McCain on defense is the way he loses... and McCain knows this...  

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