
What liquid can clean my urine from marijuana and how much do i drink??

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What liquid can clean my urine from marijuana and how much do i drink??




  1. hey try ganoderma it is a miracle herb that can cure diseases my cab driver had renal failure after consuming  ganoderma he could urinate thrice a day .it works and i can give you a thousand such

  2. Well that stuff is in there for a good long time, it goes through your blood, not straight to your kidneys to be flushed out.  So the best answer is not to use the c**p.

  3. OK, people FOR THE LAST TIME:  THC is FAT soluable, NOT water soluable.  It stays in the fat cells for MONTHS at a time.  Anyone who tries to tell you differently is LYING to you, and their product cannot and will not work, ESPECIALLY for those of you that LOVE to do things at the last possible moment ("I'm getting tested later today, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...", to which my response is "Kiss your job, good-bye...").  If you really want to keep your job, either don't smoke, or find someone else who doesn't smoke to pee for you.  End of story.

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