
What living person today is most admirable, in your opinion?

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  1. lionel messi

  2. Honey,

    I would have to say my 4 yr old daughter.

    Friday our daycare provider, and some adult parents went on a "Trip" to white marsh mall. Well, (the day care provider confessed to it to me while i was at work) the adults were in the store, and there were 3 children(younger), and an infant in the stroller. the 3 children were my two chidren, and my son's friend.

    my daughter was the oldest of the three, at 4 yrs old. My son is 3 1/2yrs, and the little boy is younger than that, around 2 1/2 to 3yrs.

    she tells me she told my daughter, son, and the little one to stay by the stroller. when it was time for a head count of all the children, the three children were gone.

    So i am thinking they were left unattended in a mall for a good bit of time for my daughter to end up on the first floor of the mall, and the rest of the daycare people and kids were on the second floor.

    I admire my daughter because she told me she couldn't find the daycare provider, and she left them for a long time.

    she went looking for a police she saw near the front of the store, there, she tells them her first and last name, spells it, her brother's name, spells that, and the little boy, and spells his name, she gives our address, but with out the street number, and gives our phone number, and tells them where i work, i am the only one at my job with my name.

    When she comes home she tells me what happened, and tells me her brother and little friend starts to cry, but she wasn't scared, she says she did everything i told her, which she did, and that she was a good big sister,

    i just cried...........................

    i know you have to teach them survival skills at a young age, but i didn't think my children would ever be in a situation where they would have to use them.

    i just broke down when i got home from work, cause there is a high number of abducted children, in the state i live in, and everywhere in this country.  So i went crazy thinking the what if's, and the worse.

    My little girl did all of this, and she is only 4. She stayed calm, and was responsible for two other children, and she went looking for an officer.

    That's admirable to me.


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