
What look is best? (pics included)?

by  |  earlier

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I recently cut my hair so this is my new style.I'm curious to know which hairstyle is more attractive.

This is my hair when it's thoroughly dried and puffed out a bit:

This is my hair when i let it curl but then bring it up with my hands:

And this is when i let my hair dry naturally after a good shower to curl up into little curls:

Feel free to tell me what you think in detail or whatever you please. thanks for the help =]




  1. your really cute!!! look just like your avatar =]

    deff the last onee, but your adorable, and very good looking

    exotic looking!

  2. the 3rd one,for deff.

    it makes you look like..exotic

  3. 3rd

    omg ur fit haha

  4. OMG the last pic is amazing. You look so fantastic/handsome. You look very wild, dangerous, and rough.

  5. you look super hot in the last one!

  6. i like it. youre a cutie (=

  7. the third one dudeeee. the more natural the better. i like the curl over your forehead ( :

  8. 3rd one.=]

  9. third.

    you look like your avatar lots!

  10. 1st one you look like a thug.. haha sorry

    2nd one you look pretty cool like just avarge guy..

    3rd one you look h**l surfer... (last time i checked chicks digg sufers!)

  11. i really like the last one

    please help the hungry? thanks have a good one!

  12. I love the 3rd the most and the 1st the least

    the 2nd one is okay.(it made me laugh,not in a mean way,just ur pose)but ya it looks aight in the 2nd,last is hot/exotic,and 1st is eh..


  13. The last one for sure.

  14. i would definitly say the third 1 it's the cutest/hottest.

  15. The third one is AWESOME!!!!

  16. Last one for sure!

  17. third one. the first looks fun to play with

  18. the last one...

    and you're really cute :)

  19. i like the last one it makes you look like a surfer

    surfers are hot :)

  20. last one...

  21. last one

  22. definitely the second one..... first one is good too tho.

  23. 3rd link ;)

  24. i really like it when its naturally curly

  25. i love the last one

  26. You're a really ugly boy.  

  27. The last one for shure!

    very exotic looking ;)

  28. wow you are very handome

    Lets seeeee, I would say in the first one that would b more 4 chilling out at the house or with friends

    Number two is very becoming of you and you could get away with going out on a date or something like that with it

    number three REALLY makes you look older and more mature. If you are going to church or a classy date or something it would be best to style it that way.

  29. the first one.

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