
What lottery numbers should you play for a dream about polar bears?

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A friend of mine dreamed about a polar bear and felt that it was a "message dream." She wanted to play the lottery numbers for it, but didn't know what they were. Can anyone help?




  1. If someone could tell you what lottery numbers were going to hit, would they tell you or anyone else?

  2. The first number I think of when I think of polar bears is 4 because they have 4 legs.  Polar bears can also symbolize the number 0 since they are round and quickly becoming extinct.  

    If this dream does not provide you with enough numbers to play the lottery, you can check out all the methods for choosing lottery numbers on the internet.  There is a great article about choosing lottery numbers at

  3. Don't play lotto. that is the bottom line- you will lose. I work at a liquor store, and all I see all day is people losing their money to these games. If you have more of a chance of losing than winning, why play? I realize that many people play for that extremely slim chance that they will hit it big, but I guarantee you that once all is said and done- you will lose. That is the only way they make money.

  4. Dreaming about polar bear symbolize , between other things, cycles of life. Tell her to take a birthday data , number linked to death of loved one and a number of  baby was born Or generally to chose numbers linked to those events in her life that was crucially for her or lucky ones.

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