
What lyrics are next in this Classic Motorhead Song?

by Guest55983  |  earlier

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"The ones who dedicate the flags to make you brave, they also consecrate the headstone on your grave, ritual remembrance when no-one knows your name, don't help a single Widow learn to fight the pain!"

I will give you bonus points if you can give me the Chorus AND the album it came from




  1. Artist: Motorhead

    Song: No Voices In The Sky

    Nobody gives a d**n about anybody else,

    Think everyone should feel

    The way they feel themselves,

    Rich men think that happiness

    Is a million dollar bills,

    So how come most of them O.D.

    On sleeping pills,

    Eye for eye,tooth for tooth,

    You all know what I mean,

    What's the use of a cry for help,

    If no one hears the scream,

    No one hears the scream,

    No voices in the sky,

    Confusion blinds the eye,

    Can't take it with you when you die,

    No voices in the sky

    The ones dedicate the flags

    To make you brave,

    They also consecrate

    The headstone on your grave,

    Ritual remembrance

    When no one knows your name,

    Don't help a single widow

    Learn to fight the pain,

    Politicians kissing babies

    For a good luck,

    T.V.Preachers sell salvation

    For a buck,

    You don't need no going cross,

    To tell you wrong from right,

    The world's worst murderers

    Were those who saw the light.

    album 1916, rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. scottishhhhhh mafia....

    glen coeeeeeee

    see youuuuu jimmy

    mmmmm fired mars bars

    p.s i love u

  3. Artist: Motorhead

    Song: No Voices In The Sky

    Album: 1916

    Nobody gives a d**n about anybody else,

    Think everyone should feel

    The way they feel themselves,

    Rich men think that happiness

    Is a million dollar bills,

    So how come most of them O.D.

    On sleeping pills,

    Eye for eye,tooth for tooth,

    You all know what I mean,

    What's the use of a cry for help,

    If no one hears the scream,

    No one hears the scream,

    No voices in the sky,

    Confusion blinds the eye,

    Can't take it with you when you die,

    No voices in the sky

    The ones dedicate the flags

    To make you brave,

    They also consecrate

    The headstone on your grave,

    Ritual remembrance

    When no one knows your name,

    Don't help a single widow

    Learn to fight the pain,

    Politicians kissing babies

    For a good luck,

    T.V.Preachers sell salvation

    For a buck,

    You don't need no going cross,

    To tell you wrong from right,

    The world's worst murderers

    Were those who saw the light.

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