
What made MJ the Best?

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I just wanna know why he is the best?




  1. Scottie Pippen. You could tell because Jordan was always eliminated in the first round until Pippen arrived.

  2. From a basketball skillset he had no weaknesses in his game.  Sure there were/are other players that can do things better than him in a specific area, however he had no weaknesses.  

    There was nothing you could attack Jordan with and have an advantage.  You couldn't give him jumpers like you would want to against Lebron, you couldn't abuse him on the defensive end with another player, you couldn't just let him have his and shutdown the remainder of the team like people have done to Kobe, you couldn't hack-a-shack him like you could do with all of the great centers in NBA history, you couldn't get inside his head and make him lose his cool, you could not rattle.  Simply you couldn't stop him in any known facet of the game.

  3. The NBA's promotion department

  4. he worked on his game and became unstoppable

  5. He was hard to block. Watch Kobe. Despite all the haters here, and Kobe's pleas to stop comparing, they play very similar. They both give that atmosphere of invincibility.

    Imagine Kobe, but with a freakish jump and better fg%. Most of those lay ups Kobe does, MJ would have dunked them.

    MJ is better than Kobe, but you should see similarities.  

  6. Because of his work ethic. He dedicates himself to the game and puts the effort in it. If you want to be the best, you have to make basketball your life. Thats why Kobe is good, too. Kobe & MJ's work ethic are simply amazing. They work and work and work.

    They don't stop working until they master the game. And even after that, they still work. It's just dedication and committment, man.

  7. MJ would not won a championship without scottie pippen.

  8. He has the greatest all round play. He can ball handle, shoot, drive to the net, has smart plays (thinks before he puts the ball down, and can play defense. Not a lot of people in the NBA have/had this whole package and this is what made MJ the Best.

  9. I'm gonna guess you are a really young kid, too young to watch Jordan (man you missed out)!!! To see it for yourself watch ESPN Classic or just get game tapes or videos of him and you will be amazed at the Level this guy was at..........I don't know if that level will ever be reached again.

             I don't even know where to start just read this: for starters

    Edit: my bad sorry man

  10. ok here is why. He came into the league after going to UNC was never thought of as the next great thing, he needed to work on shooting. He is a 6 time NBA champion and a 6 time finals MVP. He also is the most driven he changed the game . Some say he could fly. And theres not one basketball player that doesnt say MJ is the best. I heard magic Johnson say this on tv  " when you talk about the best in the NBA you have Jordan then you can put a bunch of us at 2nd"  so if Magic is saying he is 2nd that just shows how well jordan is and what his peers think of him

  11. I lot of it really does have to do with his work ethic.  When MJ first came into the league he was already among the best--lock-down defender, explosive at getting to the basket, and a great rebounder and passer.  But his critics often pointed to how he wasn't a great shooter.  So he worked in the gym constantly, and by the early 90s he was one the better 3-point shooters in the league.  In '92, he set the record for 3s in a finals half against the Blazers.

    Jordan continued to work on his game until he became able to score in any scenario on the court.  As he got older, he worked on his mid-range game to compensate for the loss of explosiveness... that fade-away is probably one of the biggest reasons Kobe is compared to Jordan.  So yeah, Jordan was unguardable and clutch at every aspect of offense... and some analysts still say his defense was the best part of his game.

  12. he made everyone around him better. he shut down the other teams best player every game. he wanted the ball and he wasnt afraid of anyone. he could take over a game at will. theres nothing bad u can possibly say about MJ, there will never be another player like him.   think about, he got bored of the nba cuz it was too easy so he decided to try baseball(his father's favorite sport) and then he came back and then won 3 more championships. i can talk about him all day
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