
What made america start slavery?

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i mean what made them take people from their home and sell them like items




  1. 1. America did not start slavery

    2. Europe did not start slavery

    3. Slavery has been around as long as people

    4. There is still slavery in the world

    5. What made African chiefs sell their own people into slavery

    I believe you'd like to turn this into a black and white thing when you know as well as I do .. it's not that simple.

    If you're not an angry black guy ,look at your avatar!! What do you expect people to think?

    You missed my entire answer .. you went right to defending your avatar....  .. TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR QUESTION!!   You get what you ask for! I didn't have to call you names to answer your question .   All i have to go on are your avatar and your question ... you have to remember we're online not face to face !  I love you too.  lmao

  2. slavery was started long before america did it.

    it's history, it was the culture of the time.

    you should try to understand everyone's culture.

    wow, europe didn't start slavery either.

    how about the egyptians and the arabs??

    slavery has been around about as long as history.

  3. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$... hate, not religion, not racism.  These are things are masks that historians use to hide the fact that our founding fathers were rich and greedy!


  4. i think it was going on all over the world already and the settlers just brought their slaves and at that time it was an industry and they bought and sold people. not good no excuses but maybe people were that dumb back then.

  5. ECONOMICS:  pure and simple!

  6. Arrogance

  7. Slavery is almost always about cheap labor. It can be used as a way of subjugating a  population,too.

    The proud con. is at best ill-informed. Britain did bring most of the slaves to America,though.

  8. People who were too lazy to do the work for themselves and then became too stingy to pay  for the hard work that others were doing for their lazy a***s!

  9. Needed labor to harvest the crops  - just like we need cheap labor to harvest  strawberries in todays world

  10. America needed workers on their plantations.

    So, what they did was, the Europeans enslaved Native Americans and made them work at their plantations.

    -Native Americans died of European diseases like smallpox, so the Europeans decided to get slaves from a different area, Africa.

    -It was mainly like outsourcing today. They wanted to produce goods at the highest prices for the cheapest amount of labor.

    -And just so you know, slavery has been in history for many, many, many years.

  11. It was started because people are too lazy to do their own work!!!

  12. America didn't start slavery, Europe did. Especially Britain. There was a great need for work in America with all the land that wasn't being used so they stole people from their villages and used them as slaves. But white people aren't the only villans here, some leaders of the african villages would trade people for stuff like spices, food, weapons, etc.

    There has been a history of slavery, in the bible it is mentioned several times. not even counting when Moses. led the Jews out of Egypt. Europe did start the mass slavery of Africans though.

  13. It started in this country by people who didn't start in this country. All immigrants take their cultures with them when they migrate. When slave-owners from europe cam to America, they brought their slaves with them. It caught on here because slavery provided a cheap labor force for the South, especially as Africans were better suited for working in hot climates.

    Actually, indentured servants were treated worse...

  14. While america didn't start the concept...Indentured servants ultimately didn't work out,and the purchasing of slaves was most cost effective and learned as a good technique from other countries specifcially african chiefs/tribes. Simple really, humanistic no, but today we are all slaves to something.

  15. Cheap Labor

    I know it is sick

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