
What made aztecs become so powerful?

by Guest67101  |  earlier

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What made aztecs become so powerful?




  1. while they still had their civilization, they completely focused on warefare. Every man (encluding priests and religious leaders) had to join the army. hope this helps you.

  2. They were an advanced civilization for their time.  Yes they focused on warfare so they were strong militarilly, but other factors made them powerful, inluding: they had an indirect government, strong economy and they were located in a strategic position within Mexico.  Other factors that enhanced the Aztec civilization include transportation by roads (with latrines and rest stops) and the mandatory education of children after the age 15, and not to mention all the gold they had.  

    Their capital city, Tenochtitlan, was located where present day Mexico City is located.  The city, however, was built on an island - for better safety.  The Aztec nation was located in the valley of mexico.  This valley was plentifully full of resources for the inhabitants.  Their economy was driven primarilly by cacao beans and cotton; with the presence of gold.  

    Even though they were so powerful, they did not exert supremecy over their conquered lands, instead they asked for a tribute to be paid.

  3. I think it had to do with having a very rigid social structure and being utterly ruthless in battle.   The Aztecs didn't just take over the leadership of the cities and peoples they conquered.  They completely broke them.  People who weren't killed or sacrificed were integrated into the Aztec society.  

    From what I've read, everyone had a place in the social hierarchy, and people also lived in fear of rebelling or resisting because they'd be killed.  This is a very powerful way to run a civilization, but it must have been pretty miserable to be part of it if you were near the bottom of the ladder.

  4. Not at my PC to fully answer, but all I know is it's too bad they were in decline when the Spaniards got there.

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