
What made the temperature warm up by 7 oC?

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somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand years ago, the temperature rose 7oC in 15 years. If man is causing global warming now, what caused it back then?




  1. Where did you get those figures, somewhere between 10-15000 yrs ago, in an interval of just 15 years a 7C temp rise. Forgive me for being just a little sceptical, but that is a very vague when, an incredably accurate how long and a tremendous temperature increase. Are you sure you haven't got some of these figures wronng by a factor of ten or even a hundred? Say perhaps a 0.7C temp change over 150years?

    Assuming for a second that your figures are correct, then another question, was it a global temperature rise or a localized event? The caused would be very different.

    Another question, what was the base temperature? ie was the earth coming out of a deep glacial period? Again the causes would be different.

    OK, for the earth's average temperature to increase by a full 7C over 15 just years would require a major cataclism and would result in a major cataclism. What ever caused that would be reall scary and should it ever happen again, I hope not to be around. 7C above current temperatures occuring in just 15 years would prove devestaing to most life on this planet, but not all. It would result in a major extinction period. Summers in many inhabited parts of the planet regularly reach the low 40s. Add 7C onto that and those areas become uninhabitable.

    Even areas currently with summers in the mis 30's would become extreme habitats with temps in low 40's. Add the variability into the mix, you could end up with 50+ days in UK. Anyone without aircon, is dead meat.

    The earth has always had changes in global temperature, some of the changes are on regular time schedules, related to the earths orbit around the sun and variations in solar radiation. There have also been changes due to major cataclisms, meteor bombardment, major volcanic activity, and changes in green house gasses due to natural causes.

    Not of which makes any difference to the current situation. They simply are not the causes of the current situation. The facts don't fit.  

    Consider the following: Just because Billy ate his breakfast yesterday and the day before and after eating breakfast his plate was empty, does not mean that today he ate his breakfast or that because the plate is empty we can assume he was the cause. We should consider it as a strong possibility, but it is not proof.

    If we then also find that Billy was not at home today, and that there were a lot of paw prints around the area where Billy's plate is kept, and dog hair was found on the empty plate, and the dog was sleeping nicly with a contented smile and full stomach, well we may have to reconsider the hypothesis that billy ate his breakast today and that that is why the plate is clean.

    We might have to consider the alternate hypothesis that the dog ate the breakfast and that is why the plate is clean today.

    In the same way, just because there has been naturally caused climate change in the past does not mean this time it is naturally caused.

    If none of the natural causes match the current situation (Billy was not even home!) And we discover a lot of new evidence that matches man's activities to the current situation very closely, well we need to consider the possibility that man is responsible.

  2. many reasons.

    solar  radiation , the orbital of earth mostly.

    but it is evident that anthropogenic resource does contribute to global warming, mainly because of the green house gas.

    However, CO2is not the major contributor, water vapor is also causing global warming, but it is from the evaporation from ocean so there is not much we can do about it.

    what we can do i think is to save energy.... burn less fuel and forest... burning forest is very bad.

  3. People aren't sure.

    We know warming in the past has been natural.  But the data shows that this particular warming is mostly not natural (about 10% is the sun).

    Nice graph here:

    A lot of very smart people, who know all about historical changes, are working on this.  They have considered and rejected natural causes, not because of brilliant arguments, but because that's what the data says.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics.  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point,You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

  4. you may,or may not accept pathetic arguments about man creating it with the feeble excuse to raise taxes.i dont.nature will take its course and nobody will stop it.

  5. Excelente question. And we still hearing scientists talking about sun or other weak argue.

    Its just better keep profit instead to do something real to reduce its impact. As we saw in Dark Ages, ecological disasters in South Asia, Africa, south America and Australia due insertion of new species/agrotoxic/new massive production methods. All talking about same discussion as happened with Giordano Bruno or Darwin or any other brilliant mind that tried to put down small circles of Power.

    Following past earth cycles, we never had something close to it. Such change in climatic environment in so short amount of time (Exception for really huge natural disasters)

    Humans have created several weather disruptions like in south Asia due heavilly deforestation. Increase desertification everywhere due several reasons (mostly economic) and also Greenhouse gases.

    Everything is part of a chain and when something is disrupted, there are impact every where. Siberia Tundra is defrosting and as a consequence a lot of Metane is scaping to atmosphere, increasing globalwaming gases effect.

    Weather disruptions requires more energy (Harder winters, Warmer summers) energy in Europe and North America consumes produces a lot of CO2 or Atomic waste (Uk soon will have no more places to put all these almost eternal XXXX)

    Heavy Industries, Eletrical Energy, Explosion Engines, Wars, ... are producing tons and tons of CO2.  Look Capian Sea (Size) Look to permafrost in EU and South America and compare with 10 years ago.

    Look to rain disruptions (Hysterie) and even wrong all fidable hiurricanes season.

    something is Wrong and isn't the Sun.

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