
What made you decide to become vegetarian?

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Did something happen or did you see something that made you instantly give up meat forever?

Or was it a long pondered decision about animal rights, health reasons, or your love of animals?

I became a vegetarian because I love animals too much!

Whats your story?




  1. i became vegetarian when i was about 12, and a a month later i became vegan. i became vegan when i saw "Meet your meat" on the Peta website. i started crying because it was so sad what those animals go through.

    i don't think it's right that those animals have to die just for us to eat meat when eating meat is not necessary. there are so many other meat substitutions that are perfectly fine.

    i also got tired of saying i was an animal lover, when i would still eat them. it just didnt feel right to me.

  2. I became a vegetarian after seeing a lot of people I know develop heart problems, high blood pressure, colon cancers and just drop dead while a lot of vegetarians I know in the movie business are runners, weight lifters, swimmers and they all look good as well. They have to stay in good health or they don't get insured for new movie contracts.  No insurance company is going to insure a actor if they think they may drop dead half way through a movie.  So if it's good enough for them be vegetarians it's good enough for me.  After all you have only one life to live.

  3. When I decided to become a vegetarian it was something I did not plan or expect to do. It all happened in one day. I learned how animals were treated when they were killed and raised in order to feed me. And when i was younger I was abused for many years. So I watched videos from PETA and on youtube and saw with my eyes how they were killed, treated. I reasearched all day hoe they were killed and they were down right abusing these animals. And thought how i hated being abused and how much pain it caused in my life, and still causes and decided that I want nothing NOTHING to do with the abuse, and that is what it is ABUSE of these animals. I didn't want something to be abuse for my "pleasure" of eating. No- I would not have anypart. That day i decided to become a vegetarian and have been ever since.

  4. i've wanted to be a vegetarian for as long as i can remember, but my parents wouldn't let me.  i couldn't stand the idea of eating something that had thoughts, emotions, a family, and a will to live.  even when i was a kid i refused to eat meat that was on the bone (ribs, chicken wings, etc.) or meat that still looked like an animal (shrimp, etc.) because i would get nauseous if i thought about the fact that it used to be an animal.  

    i also got very involved in theology when i got older, and came to the conclusion that in the Garden of Eden and in Heaven meat was/is not consumed, and i want to do my best to follow God's model for purity.  i am a Christian and i think that being a vegetarian is a great way to practice compassion and love, two central teachings in the Bible.

    the final straw for my meat-eating days was adopting two dogs....they are like my children.  i watch their personalities and emotions, and how much they desire to live happily, play, and just be with us constantly.  i can't imagine stealing that from another creature. i just love animals WAY too much.

    in my opinion, animals are not ours to eat....period.

  5. I saw a video of a pig getting beaten up for meat :( It was just a baby pig. Also, my best friend was a vegetarian. I didn't become a vegetarian just because she was one, but she told me it was healthier and that vegetarians save 100 animals a year - so I started thinking about it. I am a happy vegetarian for 5 years now :)

    trying to become a vegan..

    So I am a vegetarian because its healthier, and because I love animals. They're too cute to eat.

  6. i always thought meat was gross, but always ate it. about four years ago, i realized that they were doing harsh things to animals, and i felt so guilty eating them. i mean, imagine eating your own animal! then i vowed to give up meat forever, and to this day, i don't eat meat. just thinking about it makes me sick!

  7. I never enjoyed eating meat anyways. Once in a while, I would get something really yummy; however, most of the time I felt the dish was no better without the meat or not. When I was younger, I felt bad because an animal even though I was apathetic towards the taste.

    What convinced me to switch:

    I never really cared for it. I ate it because of cultural reasons. The I read they pump hormones and antibiotics into the animals. That's nasty! I also learned how cruel they are to them! I think eating meat is natural along with death. HOWEVER, cooping an animal in a pen so it can get fat is not. I find this wrong so I stopped eating it.

  8. Everything you listed.

    I have not eaten meat for 8 months.I am weaning off of eggs, dairy because the treatment of chickens and dairy cows is so cruel and shameful. I want to make the transition soon, but feel I need to meet with a nutritionist first so I do it right. I am already B12 deficient and require a weekly shot. I really do not like beans except for lentils. Although I haven't try ed them sense childhood.

  9. i saw a movie then i saw videos of it on beside i wanted to  do but didnt know how  to on to i got my vegetarian started kit since then i did it cold turkey no regret whatsoever and im so grateful for it

  10. I'm trying to  stop eating meat i went to taco Bell, and  like now i feel sick,  i always feel sick after i eat meat

  11. i haven't tried it

  12. I always have loved animals but never understood what meat came from until I was older, and was disgusted it cam e from things I loved. I love animals, and it breaks my heart to think of even eating them now. They have a life to live... and they are closed up being slaughtered for us to eat. I just love animals too much to be the one to eat them.

  13. I never thought about being a vegetarian until I got my own animals and realised what personalities they had and how cute and adorable they were. My youngest dog got sick and I decided that I would stop eating meat (I think I thought if I made the sacrifice she'd get better), a month later, she died and in her memory I promised myself I would never ever eat meat again. I have been a happy vegetarian since ... (though I miss her greatly)

  14. more to SELFLESS intention, a major role derived from my diet decision alone. Amazing!

  15. I was a vegetarian for a year back in high school.  I was going along steady until my parents made me eat meat. Now at a year later, I am practicing the vegetarian diet.  I did it for several reasons: health, the environment, and the animals.  I feel so much better when I am on the vegetarian diet.  I do not feel sluggish at all and also my complexion is great:P. I also am able to maintain a healthy weight on this diet with just a half an hour of exercise(or more depending on how I feel that day).  In addition, I find solace in knowing that I am doing my part in saving animals and the environment. Being an empathetic person, I cannot stand the torture animals are coerced to endure to be placed on a plate.

  16. I had wondered for a while if people really needed meat to be their healthiest. When I was 18 I first saw "Meat Your Meat" and that is when I couldn't eat animals any longer.

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