
What made you happy yesterday or today?

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Today...Being able to actually get some rest




  1. My son taking his first steps by himself, very proud moment.

  2. Yesterday: My Grandpa

    Today: I went shooting.

  3. Getting my garden ready for spring and re-planting. The sunset and a good book.

  4. yesterday: taking a nap with my bf

    today: going tubeing

  5. yesterday:church! it made my Sunday good!

    today: seeing my friend!!

  6. I ate a bowl of cookie dough ice cream.

  7. Yesterday..well i guess my nephew and baby niece came to visit, they always make me laugh. As for today well i was watching that funny azz movie Scary movie 4 and i got some rest too.

  8. Yesterday-summber blast (NFL Joe Jackson preached)

    Today-i had a job to go to :)

  9. yesterday... hearing that i can paint my room this thanksiving break

    today... my best friend (who;s a guy) telling me that my ex boyfriends who both turned g*y missed out on a really great girl.

    That made my day because he's a guy. and he's judgemental. And i had been feeling really down because i thought we were drifting apart as friends, but i got reassured when we hung out at the mall and he told me that.

  10. Yesterday - Hours and hours in a car on a great road trip with a good friend (Church was great too, but I get to do that EVERY week, so this was special yesterday :P)

    Today - Great band rehearsal, and got a lot of work done before our gig next Saturday!

  11. Yesterday...the NASCAR race


  12. my issue was solve

  13. yesterday .. working w. the kids and having a fun time ty-dying (my hands now look like they belong on a martin but it was fun! =) )

    today ... spending time w. my boyfriend really made my day ..

  14. Riding my motorcycle with a friend and spending time with my kids.

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