
What made you laugh today?

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  1. i just read a question about a weird guy that wears women's pantyhose to work everyday! LOL

  2. My cat is sitting in a cardboard box... she thinks it's her house.  

  3. lol

  4. Jokes from a co-worker, & some I read here. ~:()>

  5. My friend Sarah. She told me that she asked her friend if she wasted ice cream, and her freind immediately started telling sarah about where she had acne...

  6. When my sister sat on a plastic chair and it broke into 2 peices LITERALLY

  7. saw a funny utube video i laughed so hard i almost peed myself it one of those videos that challenges u and asks u not to laugh heres link i lost it lol

  8. This bit I watched from a movie...

    It's like there's this cop and he's got this signal thing with a button on it and his team has the receiving device...and he was supposed to press the button when something happened. Here's how it went...:

    Chief: Why didn't you press the button?

    Cop: Sir! I pressed the button 190 times but you didn't get the signal.

    Chief: Impossible, this is an American brand; see, 3M! (It was a Chinese movie)

    Cop: Sir! The 3M is not the brand of the device, it means 3 metres, sir! Sir next time you should buy one that says 3KM sir!

    It's not as funny as it would be if you actually saw it yourself...but it still made me laugh a lot lol.

  9. ur quest

  10. your question

    but no.. my brother slipped on the wet floor

  11. I was very crabby because my online homework website won't let me login. But I came here and this joke with little johnny made me laugh.;...

  12. spongebob

  13. When My brother, my sister and me were sitting in a resturant arguing in london accents

    "You dissin ma crew, yeah???"

    You had to be there for it to be funny.


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