
What made you like makeup?

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So this is just an easy points question, post below:

What got you into makeup:

What your favorite makeup tip you have ever gotten is:

Just two simple things, enjoy your day! Thanks everybody!




  1. What got me into make up was the first time I tried eyeliner. I thought it looked great and really brought out my eyes. My favorite makeup tip is never wear liquid eyeliner on your eyerim xD it's painful.

  2. Okay, well my mom told me I would look really pretty with it on and my fav. makeup tip is tom make my makeup look natural


  3. Every color looks diffrent on every woman.So pick the colors that best look good on you.Who got me into makeup was my X.I went to macy's and at that counter a woman came over and put diffrent colors and diffrent combanations.It was expensive but i wasn't paying I had fun and you should play with it a little.

  4. What got me into makeup...hmmm..well i was always aloud to wear make up but i never really did until i was about 17 (im almost 19 now) and really it was just looking at make up product sites like MAC and urban decay.  I liked looking at the professional pictures and photo shoots with the make up models and looking at how awesome their make up was done and then i saw it more as an art rather then to just make a person "look better"

    and off the top of my head, the best make up tip i have is to use a great primer for eyeshadows (my favorite would HAVE to be urban decays primer potion).. the right primer makes your shadows POP and look really vibrant.

  5. I dont know.... My mom taught me how to use it and all the sudden i wanted to give everyone make-overs! ;)

    Best make-up tip?

    Certin colors make certin color eyes pop!

    Green- Plum

    Blue- Brown

    Brown- Olive

    Grey- Navy

    But that doesn't mean that you have to stick only to those colors! Have fun with it!

    Hope this helps!

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