
What made you popular?

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When you were in school? What made you enjoy and be comfortable at school?




  1. all you have to do is be yourself and be friends with as many people possible. thats how i got popular. i was everyones friend!

  2. well i came out of my akward stage and became way more handsome which in turn made me way more confident. then when i was more confident i was funnir and more outgoing and talked to more girls which made me cool and popular so it really is all about confident

  3. I don't remember having one specific breakout moment, but a few were:

    1. I'm Jewish and lighthearted, so one day one of my guy friends came to school with a corporal's hat, and he ran the student council meeting. So anyway, one of the members of the council asked him why he was wearing the hat, and he was like, "It's my Hitler hat!" So I was just like "I resign". It was the first time I made a big group of people laugh.

    2. I used to be really unpopular, but as I made friends, I started to hang out with the 'upper' crowd. I finally made the decision to sit at the center table (every highschool has one - the JV jocks and prom queen types) and it was just remarkably comfortable because they all just welcomed and accepted me. It was nice to see some genuine people in a highschool.

    3. I developed pretty early, though I was never really conventionally pretty, so I had a ton of the sleazy types asking me out with one thing on their mind. I wasn't into that, so I turned them down with a certain amount of ferocity. My first boyfriend told me that that was what he had admired most about me.

  4. I was mates with everyone

    Nerds = mates



    I was not one to pick on at school I could handle my self quite well but I really enjoyed being mates with everyone

    No one picked on anyone while I was near,and I don't really know why maybe because the people doing the picking were my friends and knew they were also picking on my other friends

    I went to a all boys high school were there were approx 2000 kids

    20 yrs later and I get stopped by people saying G'day to me that were yrs above or below me at school and Embarrassingly to me I sometimes don't know them.

    I was no sports star or smart bloke

    I didn't smoke or drink

    Just one of those things I am glad happened to me

  5. i knew alot of people, people liked 2 be around me, and i was at the same school for 6 years! :)

  6. They way I look ...which is really sad!!  

  7. I was never popular until I was comfortable enough with myself to make jokes, and sometimes at my own expense.

  8. I was myself.But I ignored peopl and so they would come up to me and try to get me to talk to them or laugh.

  9. Don't be shy, befriend every single person you can.  Say hello to someone who least expects it, and all that fun stuff.

  10. I stood up for what I believed in.  I did not give in to peer pressure.  I blazed my own trail, and if others wished to follow, they could if not, I did not give a d**n.

    I did not give a tinker's d**n about what others thought about me.  Sure, I dressed nice, and was a nice girl, and was in service clubs and got good grades, but I was not a herd animal nor a follower.  I did what I chose to do, and I was amazed that others chose to emulate me.

    I still do what I please, do not follow anyone's plan, and if I go my own way and anyone emulates me, well, so what?

  11. I wasn't popular. School was brutal for me. There were only two places in the entire building I could relax even a little.

    The stage and the art room. I'm a shy person. When I step on a stage, that all melts away. I'm suddenly confident, calm, and outgoing. I become the character I was playing and forgot all about who I really was. It shocked quite a few people when the quiet little book worm took the stage anything but. XD

    The art room was my other haven. It was another area I excelled. I still didn't have the confidence in there that I had on the stage, but it gave me some.  

  12. I realized that you can't be desperate and try as hard as you can to fit in. I just learned more about myself and was friendly to everyone. If you make positive changes, people will notice and want to get to know you all over again.

  13. I was popular,but then I realized that being popular will make no difference to me at all. The popular kids here are jerks,so i hang out with Ian.

  14. it was funny i was being who i really was and i was known as every ones best friend!!

  15. My road to infamy and being outspoken. I was infamous than popular but still respected and recongized.  

  16. I used to talk in multiple accents. (Still do :P)

    I was never shy..always started talking about anything to anyone.  

  17. being myself and showing

    others love and attention
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