
What made you study economics?

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I am considering taking some economics class in the eventual pursuit in a degree in public policy. I don't want to randomly take a class, so I'm curious what drew you to the field for study, or even just a class.

I've become interested in various issues in economics with the recent events--the mortgage crisis, food and gas prices going up, as well as issues such as offshoring and movement of jobs to different areas of the world.





  1. Personally, I would second Paul Krugman, who wrote:

    Economists may make lots of bad predictions, but they do have a method -- a systematic way of thinking about the world that is more true than not, that gives them genuine if imperfect expertise. (That is also, of course, why lay commentators and other social scientists tend to hate them). Other social sciences haven't yet found anything remotely equivalent.


  2. I studied Econ because it was required for my DBA. Economics as a profession (Economist), is properly classified with the other so-called "sciences" dealing with people. You know a little terminology, have a good grasp of math and statistics, and you can ace practically any course in any of those fields.

    Most of the stuff is logical and common sense. Most business majors seem to lack both. Most business professors too. But they have a great grasp on some theory espoused by some other self-proclaimed "expert."

    I freely admit my DBA has helped me in getting jobs, but nothing I learned has helped me in the performance of any of those jobs.

  3. I wanted to understand how the economy worked and took course  after course expecting  the next one to  make things clear but  they never did. It only enabled me to understand  the words and concepts people used to talk about the economy and to convince me that  most people do not have a clue, and   the few people that do understand  something, that something is only a small piece of what is happening.

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