
What made your camping trip less than stellar ?

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Mosquitoes ? Rain ? The bear in your sleeping bag ?




  1. Last weekend was supposed to be a family camping trip with my husband, mom and brother. My husband and brother left one day after we got there to go to the Grand Prix back home. That really upset me. The next day my dog got bit, he is fine. Rain always sucks.

  2. When I was a kid my Dad and Mom and my brother and sister and I went camping and it poured down rain non stop. We put tarps up and that did not help because the rain was to heavy. That night my Mom and us kids slept in the back of the truck and my dad slept in a tent. We were awoken around 1:00 am to a soaking wet Dad. My dad collapsed the tent and threw it in the back of the truck and we all went home in our pajamas.

  3. first i burnt my hand on the lantern who would think the lantern would be hot hand to find my way to the bathroom batteries died in my flash light matches got wet couldnt use the lantern found the swamp on my way there got there tended to my burn had to find my way back found some little kids bike oh sorry thats a camp site got back to my camp site went into my tent and its flooded everything is all wet thought ok ill sleep in the camper c**p its locked parents wont wake up ok its not rainin yet ill sit here sombody has to wake up soon then it starts pourin no problem the awning is out and CRASH awning broke so our friends said you can sleep in our sons tent not happenin this kid was the most annoyin kid in the world spend 5 minutes around him and u wanted to jump off a cliff got that all taken care of the next mornin notice the smell of something burnin hmmmm whats that smell smells bad OH MY GOD the annoying kid woke up and wanted to build a fire found and trash can and started the trash on fire wasnt very fun

  4. One year at scout summer camp, the remnants of a hurricane that made it's way into PA hit the summer camp. Golf ball sized hail, wind blew over our dining fly and two tents (sturdy hard-wall tents too), broke both the globes on our lanterns, and made the trail down from the campsite so wet and runny, we have dubbed it the Delaware River (the campsite name was Delaware, after the Native American tribe). We were eventually told to get into the dining hall, the largest of the seven buildings in camp with the other troops from the other camps. When we got back to the camp after the rain stopped, we took one of the busted lanterns off of the propane tree (pipe that attaches lantern to tank), the gas in the tree shot out, prompting one of our guys who had just entered the camp to evacuate us again. It was Family Day.

    Yeah, it wasn't too much fun that day. Especially because all you could smell was wet Boy Scouts in the dining hall.

  5. usually the gross bathrooms at the campgrounds, I'd rather go in the woods.  I can prepare myself for anything else, rain, mosquitos, or wind, whatever, but not the bathrooms.

  6. I just returned from camping 3 days with a group of 5 different families and I had my 3 boys with me (4,5 & 9). We camp all the time but not much with groups, now I know why.

    First - in the morning I get up early with the kids and build a fire. All the other families kids come out and hang out with me while all the other parents slept in - FOREVER! I ended up making hot chocolate for the whole herd and even starting breakfast for the starving bunch before any parent decided to actually help.

    Then....After breakfast and getting ready for the day I come out of the tent ready to hike, play, do something...and ALL of the other adults were sitting in the chairs around the fire reading their books. What a bunch of lazy slugs! Why do these people even bother going camping if they're just going to sit there - especially with their kids who would have been bored out of their mind without me to entertain them.

    I will never camp with a group again - so annoying and definitely less than stellar!

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