
What made your decision to go meatless?

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please feel free to tell me anything that made you become meatless for life.




  1. I always thought vegetarians were idiots who thought they were better than everyone else. I found out about how the animals are treated in the factories, which made me uneasy about eating meat, but the big thing that did it for me was the health reasons: Meat is a lot of fat, your body was to work very hard to digest it, it comes from unhealthy, sickly animals, contains antibiotics, is unnecessary, we eat way too d**n much of it in America, we do not need as much protein as we think, and it is not meant for human beings in the first place.

    There's just no benefit from meat that you can't get anywhere else easily, and there are too many cons.

  2. because of poor animal who get killed for food... in fact i am vegan. but i love seafoods...  poor little animal. when i go to zoo with friend and found out how they begin killed.. i shock and feel it not fair. our have life but animal don't  have...... that how i became vegan at 14...

  3. I did it purely for health reasons, my digestive system was giving up the ghost on me. As I never ate alot of meat to start with it wasn't too hard to eliminate it altogether.

    It now feels a little strange that I used to eat some of the animals whose passage I had helped into the world. I'd never thought about it that way before.

    I'm stilll a big supporter of free range farming though, and I believe it's everyone's right to choose whatever diet they wish to.

  4. 1.  7th grade field trip to slaughter house-started it

    2.  was told by reliable source if i excluded all meat & dairy-no more asthma

    3.  no more asthma for more than 25 yrs

    4.  now i stay this way due to philosophical reasons

    5.  and it is better for environment - mine (as in my body) & the earth

  5. I just don't see the point of eating meat.... I have been a vegetarian all my life, and I have been very healthy and strong. well now I am a vegan. There are some draw backs, but those are so easy to over come its not even worth worrying about.

    Example, I eat less junk food now as vegan but I have learnt to cook amazingly healthy treats at home.

  6. I became a vegetarian because it is a better nutritional diet.

    Vegetarians are healthier because the average vegetarian is lighter than the average meat eater in Britain.

    I became a vegetarian because I was told about what happens to meat in the gut. It stays there for ages and rots, getting infected with bacteria.

    I became a vegetarian because I care about what I put into my body. I don’t want to put chemicals in there, nor anything dead. Plants are natural, so they can’t be harmful.

    I became a vegetarian, because I want to live in a more natural way.

    I became a vegetarian, because stock farming is not economically viable. We could feed the Third World if everyone became a vegetarian.

    I became a vegetarian because I don’t want to finance death. I don’t mind wearing a woollen jumper, because they don’t kill the sheep to get the wool.

    I became a vegetarian because I think that farming animals is cruel. Farmers do not care about the welfare of their animals.

    I became a vegetarian because crop farming is more efficient than stock farming. 100 units of food energy fed to an animal become only 10 units of meat, so meat production is inefficient.

    I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill myself.

    I became a vegetarian because we don’t need meat.

    I became a vegetarian because that’s the way society is going. Thousands of people every minute are becoming vegetarians. I don't want to be the last in making.

    I became a vegetarian, because I care about biodiversity.

    I became a vegetarian because it is the future. Perhaps the current trends are bad, and the future will not be as good as it could be.

    I became a veggie simply because I don’t like meat.



    Vegetarianism is the new Puritanism. This is my belief. It is also one of my arguments against vegetarianism, and although it may at first seem a flippant argument, I believe that it is very powerful. Vegetarianism is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food. Anything which makes people less happy is bad.

  7. Well, I grew up in the dirt pretty much and just loved animals so much. From toddlerism, I was never really fond of meat. Sometimes I would gag on it and I was always the person to bite into a nice piece of Grissel, fat, or find a tumor in my meat. My love and empathy for animals encouraged me to inform and educated myself about what animals go through to get to our plates. I did and I watched many videos and read a lot of literature to learn that animals suffer horrifically their whole lives to make a meal that will ultimately end up in the toilet.  Taste wasnt worth the sacrifice of the animals, and I believe that a meatless diet is not only more healthy for the human body nowadays, but humans themselves are evolving to not tolerate the effects of meat on there systems.  There are many chemicals such as antibiotics, anabolic steroids,  and other hormones being pumped into the meat and dairy people eat and it is effecting them adversely. Though that is not what the meat and dairy companies want you to believe.  Mostly it was the torture of animals that put me to no longer eat them. I dont want to be a part of that. If you are interested in receiving some links to inform yourself, please feel free to contact me.

  8. Well first it was because I believed it to be more healthy and then I researched it more and it became more about animals being tortured and such and the environment being destroyed to produce it.

  9. Well, when I was about nine, I was watching the simpsons I saw the episode about Lisa becoming vegetarian. I wanted to be just like Lisa (yes, I was kind of odd) and it only lasted for about a week. Then, I read about factory farming and how cruelly the animals are treated and I decided that I should become vegetarian. Now, I'm vegan :)

  10. Factory farming. Additives in meat. The sheer fact that there is no reason to eat meat.

  11. I guess I was fine with factory farming (well, not fine, but I figured I was not going to change it by going meatless)

    I was fine with eating meat because I did not realize how harmful factory farms are to the environment, and whatever inkling I did have, I squelched by rationalizing that a big city produced more pollutants than a feedlot, and that, there again, one person could not make a difference.

    But when i found out that countries with the lowest milk consumption also have the lowest incidences of osteoporosis and breast cancer, that 18 ounces or more of red meat a week increased my risk of colon and stomach cancer by 30%, and there was no safe level of processed meat, it raised my chances by 40%, ...that doctors will go to wellness centers and eat diets of fresh fruit and vegetables and GET WELL, but at the same time, refuse to send their patients there, subjecting them to radiation and chemo, and that patients with cancer who ate a strict diet of fresh fruits and veggies recovered more wholly than those who drank milk for their bones, managed their stress, and ate a healthy diet... that antibiotics and growth hormones fed to animals actually were being absorbed into my body, into MY muscle tissue, well, suddenly it did seem like one person could make a difference. I don't need to start a revolution to live with a decreased risk of cancer- I can do that all on my own.

  12. I love animals, and when I see beef on a plate, it just reminds me of my dog.  And I wouldn't eat my dog.   Plus, I hate factory farming and the cruelty that goes on.

  13. Animal cruelty was a very big factor for me. I mean, go on youtube and you see how animals are treated and killed. It's no secret that animals are fed antibiotics and other chemicals to make them gain weight, which we then put into our bodies with the meat. Secondly. meat is not essential to our survival, indeed I agree that it's pointless eating it. The crops that are used to raise farm animals could be used as food for humans and help the world hunger. Now 7kg of crops are needed to produce 1kg of chicken! And then again, if you go on sites it's proving that a healthy vegetarian diet is far more healthier and people who live by these diets tend to have a higher life expectancy.

  14. i was born that way. I am staying that way because i don't want to eat animals

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