
What magazine hires columnists to write a mini-series?

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I don't know what to call it, but I'm talking about when the magazine hires a columnist that writes a story for them. The novella/long story a columnist writes will be broken up into 2-3 page installments, each included in an issue. For example, Cosmogirl magazine has a mini-series comic story called The Adventures of CG. I write young adult fiction, so how do I contact a magazine about it?

I'm not talking about literary mags, I'm talking about magazines like YM, Seventeen, Teen, CosmoGirl, etc.

Thanks in advance!

(please, people who are involved in the writing business, answer. If you have no clue, please don't answer.)




  1. I think any magazine would do a mini-series if the idea was good enough. All a mini-series is, is a piece that's too long and in-depth to be properly contained in a single article.

    YM closed down, and it sounds like those others might be just out of your league now. But there are many less famous young adult magazines that might be glad to have your work. And what are these magazines? Go to your library and check out the latest edition of "Writer's Market". That will tell you.

    "Writer's Market" is a yearly directory of publishers who are currently accepting submissions. These span from books to magazines to technical writing. There are also more specialized editions of "Writer's Market" which focus on different genres of writing, like the sci-fi market.

    As for actually submitting your work, read these 8 tips:

    It's not just about submitting a proposal. You should be somewhat familiar with the magazine you're submitting it to also.

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