
What major crops are grown in canada, and where are they grown? what are intensive and extensive farming pract

by Guest66627  |  earlier

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What major crops are grown in canada, and where are they grown? what are intensive and extensive farming pract




  1. wheat is grown on the prairies......

  2. The major crops grown in Canada are wheat, oats, barley, flax seed, and canola (rape seed). The site listed will show you the amounts and areas were they are grown.$department/...

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    Charles Saunders Develops Marquis Wheat

    Charles Edward Saunders completed the development of Marquis wheat, a ... More

    Wheat, common name for members of genus Triticum of the GRASS family (Gramineae) and for the CEREAL grains produced by these grasses. Wheat is the most important cereal in the world: with rice and maize it accounts for about 73% of world cereal production. Canada is the world's sixth-largest producer and one of the largest exporters of wheat, producing annually an average of over 25 million t and exporting about 19 million t. Cultivated forms evolved from natural crossings of wild species, followed by domestication and selection by humans. Wheat was domesticated in Southwest Asia over thousands of years and spread across Asia, Africa and Europe. Introduction to the New World took place in the late 15th and 16th centuries. The most important modern cultivated species (ie, cultivars) are common and durum wheats, usually given the binomial designations T. aestivum and T. turgidum var. durum, respectively.

    Wheat Field

  4. wheat, oats, barley, maize and flax have been major crops.  Other major Canadian greenhouse crops are cucumber, lettuce, and pepper.

    wheat is grown thoughout canada but mostly in the western prairie. where spring non-durum wheat is the largest produced. i am not really sure about farming pactices.sorry

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