
What major is related to a career in forensic science?

by Guest33979  |  earlier

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UC Colleges Majors




  1. Pathology

  2. There are many majors depending on what specific field you are interested in forensics.  For most forensic disciplines a science degree is necesary (usually biology or chemistry).  For crime scene or fingerprints you could get a degree in criminal justice.  With popularity of CSI - forensic science can be misleading.  You either work in the lab as a scientist or you work in crime scene and don't do any analysis.  Not both.  If you are interested in DNA analysis you must have classes in genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and statistics (this is required).  A degree from a college like DeVry that says they major in forensics will not cut it.  Be sure to check out the program and if they have students that actually have jobs in forensics before deciding anything.

  3. Not Pathology thats in medicine..Biotechnology

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