
What major scientists were theists?

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What major scientists were theists?




  1. There is really no way of knowing, since a person's religious beliefs are a private matter, and nobody's business but their own. Many of the leading scientists of the 19th century were actually clergymen...Darwin's main university degree was in Divinity.

  2. Einstein believed in God, as do I.

  3. The earlier ones were, supposedly, such as Mendel and Aristotle, I think. It is only because they were practically forced to, though

  4. Oh, lots and lots! But by far the most famous was Artstootle (Bubba) Nauzepickker, who invented the brain transplant in Alabama.

  5. As Eri said - many scientists believe in some god.

    Certainly, Netwon, Galileo, Kepler etc were Christian.

    The Vatican continues to have a working observatory doing astrophysical research

    Even Richard Dawkins (well known atheist scientists) admits that scientists should be agnostic rather than atheist, since we can neother prove nor disprove the existence of God.

    Check out:

  6. Probably most of them, to some extent.  While there is certainly a higher percentage of scientists than the general public who identify as atheist, many are still religious.

    Gregor Mendel was a priest (and the first geneticist), James Clerk Maxwell was very religious (and discovered most of the law of electromagnetics), and Francis Collins is an evangelical Baptist (and decoded the human genome).

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