
What major should I get? I need suggestions.?

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I'm currently studying in a community college here in CA (45 minutes from Los Angeles), and I'm planning to schedule an appointment with a counselor soon. I like writing, mostly for paper and show business, and I also like teaching, theater, and television & radio production. So I need help deciding which major I should choose that at least has the interests I listed down. Thanks!




  1. That's a lot of interests, most of which can't be directly related to one another to form a major.

    Your best bet is to pick one of the things you like from that list (one that you wouldn't mind studying for upwards of 4 years) and make that your major.

    Even if you don't end up getting a career in that field when you graduate, at least you'll have a BA (which looks good on any resumé).

    Good Luck on your college search!

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