
What major should i major in if I.....?

by Guest10730  |  earlier

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wanted to teach Grades4-8 and later after 10 -15 years wanted to teach history for high schoolers..




  1. Education-maybe elementary

  2. The answer to your question depends on where you are going to go to college, and where you want to teach.  I got my first teaching credential in Pennsylvania, and I was a special education major.  I later moved to California, where prospective teachers need a Bachelor of Arts or Sciences in anything, and then take the teacher credential program as a graduate student.  It would certainly make sense for a person who has a particular subject of interest to major in that, so you might want to be a history major.  But check with the  Department of Education in whatever state you want to teach in (most have decent websites) and see what the specifics are in that state.

  3. IF YOU WANT TO TEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, then you must take elementary education with a specialty in some subject like math , science , reading etc . If you want to teach the higher classes , then you must get a

    secondary degree . I don't know if all colleges are the same in what they require . Here in Texas I was required to major in two fields so that I could be certified in secondary Education

    Also if you want a job anywhere you go , then major in math or science . The schools everywhere will fight over you

  4. Liberal Studies or Liberal Arts. For elementary school and high school, you have to take a test to prove your competency in the subjects you want to teach, so it honestly doesn't matter what you major in, but Liberal Studies exposes you to more knowledge and subjects.

  5. I recently graduation from UMaine Farmington, and here is what the folks in the ed department there would tell you to do . . .

    You need to major in Education.  Since you're looking to begin at the Elementary level, you'd go for elementary education with a concentration in history/social studies.  In most places, elementary education will get you certified in grades k-8.

    Since, however, you want to eventually teach high school History, you really do need to focus on the social science/studies side of things.  Definitely make that your concentration.  We have to be highly qualified now, so you'll need lots of credit hours in your chosen content.  

    I am certified in English grades 7-12.  The classes for this are really different from those for elementary education, so you might consider going for secondary off the bat.  You can also go for a masters in this area after you've taught for a few years.

    Basically, you need to major in education and have a concentration in Social Studies/History.

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