
What majors do you have to do in college order to be in the environmental protection agency?

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What majors do you have to do in college order to be in the environmental protection agency?




  1. All you have to do is find a school that will allow u to major in Enviornmental sciences. I know mine has that and I don't attend a huge school so I'm sure u can find one. Thewn u'll have to talk to ur academic advisor depending on what exactly u want to do in the EPA. They'll point u in the right direction and tell u the classes and exams u need to take.

  2. I would say something like Environmental Science major would work just fine, thats my minor and thats all ya talk about.

  3. It all depends on your direction.  If it's to be like Al Gore, get a degree in dumba$$ 101.   If it's to be able to debate him and prove him wrong, just finishing Kindergarten should do it.

  4. A lot will do, depending on the work you want to do.  The EPA hires:

    Environmental Scientists






    There are many more job opportunities in Washington, DC than in the field offices.

  5. What do you want to do with the EPA?  The major would depend on what you eventually want to do at the EPA.

    The sister of one of my ex-boyfriends used to be a lawyer for the EPA.  I'm pretty sure she got her job with them right after she passed the Bar Exams.

  6. Many employees of EPA did not complete college, so a degree is not an absolute requirement for employment, but helpful.

    The US EPA has 18,000 employees, of which 12,000 are located in Washington, DC.

    For a current list of openings, see:

    The EPA is always getting sued and litigating court cases, so law is a good degree.

    The agency also hires scientists, HR people, information specialists, etc.

    The agency is especially interested in promoting diversity among its workforce, so unless you are a minority or disadvantaged somehow, or recruited for a rare specialty or work no one else really wants to do, finding work at EPA will not be easy.

    And EPA has a very large office of inspector general that is constantly auditing and investigating programs and offices, so anyone out of line or making things up ... doesn't last too long.

    One last caveat.  Protection of human health and the natural environment, is a grind-it-out process that takes into account economic realities of our world.  Unless the cost-benefits are clearly in favor of more regulation, it won't get regulated.

    So, for example, there is no home at EPA for anyone who buys into the global warming hysteria.  Congress decided in 1997 (Byrd-Hagel Resolution S. Res. 98) to steer clear of climate change, and it is now in the same category as abortion and social security -- political purgatory.

    If you do get hired, it will be contingent on a background check, drug check, and everything you put on your job application will be verified, EVERYTHING.  Your college degree, GPA, employment history, salary history, criminal history if any, references, etc.

  7. Political Science or Business. Government jobs are based on nepotism and favors.  You didn't actually think people who understood SCIENCE got jobs at the EPA, did you?

    No, those jobs are generally held by the industry pundits who used to fight to reduce regulations.

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