
What make is the pink camera Kate Gosselin got on Xmas on Jon And Kate Plus 8? 10 pts best answer!?

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10 points best answer, I'm thinking Sony Cybershot.

I'm interested because she wanted a camera that takes pics fast and that's what I'm looking for as well. You can probably find a screenshot of it on youtube or something.




  1. Here are two postings on a fourm about Jon and Kate +8

    Take your pick...


    After endless searching and asking around..I taped the show again tonight and super slow motioned it to get a pretty good look at the camera Kate got for Christmas..

    Although I couldn't see make and model, I DID see distinctive things on the when I looked it up on the internet..I came up with this....

    Sony Cybershot DSCW55 7.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom (Pink)

    Brand: Sony

    This was the ONLY camera I found that had the same images Kates did..Good luck!


    I think I have the same camera as Kate's. When I saw it, I said to my BF "hey! That's my camera!!". LOL

    It is a Samsung S630 (pink). I bought it at Curcuit City for $99.00 last July. I have since moved to Hawaii and have seen it at Walmart for 104.00. It takes GREAT pics and is very user friendly!!!

  2. I have the exact same camera as Kate.

    Sony Cybershot DSCW55 7.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom (pink)

  3. its a sony cybershot. my sister has it but she doesnt think it comes out clear enough when i think it comes out great!

  4. I love that show, haha those kids are adorable! I've seen what your talking about and it does look like what you said. I'm getting a new camera myself cause I have white lines going through mine when I take a pic (I dropped it by accident, whoops!) I'm considering a Nikon Coolpix S700, Canon Powershot, or a Sony that's what I recommend since your searching.

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