
What make-up should I use to look like alice cullen?

by  |  earlier

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How should I do my eyes and lips to look like her and what do I use to look pale




  1. Hahaha =D You poor misguided children -.-

  2. Ok what I would do is get cover-up powder, that is for the lightest shade of skin.  If you really want to go all out, you can buy colored contacts, like they did for the people in the movie.

    My sister has that powder, and it makes you look so pale!

    as for the eyes i found a sight that sells colored contacts for pretty cheap.  here are the closest to gold.

    (the honey color is kind of close)

    (cappuccino is also kind of close too)

    Hope I helped.  

  3. just look at the pic on yahoo.... and go with that....

  4. Use a white creamy blush, and use light eye shadow (Rosalie is one to wear dark make-up) and a medium lip stick, or lip gloss...sorry but I can't help to ask...why is this asked in Author & Books?  

  5. okay for the skin go to the store and buy the palest fondation you can find! use generously!

    Lips buy a good bright red.

    eyes get some topaz colored contacts! ever since the books came out hey have been creating that color! and let me say it looks good a=on Robert!

    Also make sure ur hair is shorter and real black!

  6. i am being alice for halloween and i am using blush for the paleness and red lipstick and eyliner mascara and black hair dye!

  7. well, its not like they give a great description of Alice but to make yourself look pale use baby powder, lol use a pad and just pat yourself all over to give yourself a pale look. Also use a pale pale blush  Use a slight olive green eye shadow under the eyes and then add a white pale color around it barely though, and maybe a light light brown to give it a dark look and do i all around the eye.  Use some Black or Brown eyeliner, and mascara. and u may want to get the golden bronze contacts, And your lips put a slight red lipstick on, nothing crazy or anything. settle but noticeable. and u dnt have to cut your hair but just dye it black, or cut it an dye it if its not black already. or u can buy a wig maybe at spirit halloween. I hope this helped and to get a better idea of what i mean here is a pic.

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