
What makes America the world power?

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What makes America the world power?




  1. Money money money makes a rich man poor, well that & our military strength.

  2. Military Strength

  3. who said that

  4. Currency hegemony.

    That is changing, though -so ask this question again in 15 years.

  5. Nuclear Weapons...we have the mostest an' bestest !

  6. A truck load of B.S.

  7. you say what makes AMERICA a world power? Think real hard for a second and the answer will come to you!most people say it's freedom, others say its our military but i think it's because wwe have controlling interests in all world trade along beside the freedom and our military.With most coountries its the intimidation factor that makes us a higher power than them, where with other countries its weapons trade that keeps them at our heals.who really knows how many countries we are hand feeding supplies for giving LIFE or DEALING DEATH! AMERICA has her hand in a lot more than the general public will ever know about!!!!!!

  8. That is what the American media constantly tell americans.    So they believe it.   3 billion other people might have a different point of view.

  9. Largest economy and largest military.  

    We lead in both soft power and hard power.  Thus we are the world's power, in fact no other country comes close to us in either category, although the EU and China are closing fast economically, but there is still a huge disparity.

  10. the people

  11. Americans

  12. America has a strong economy that could finance and develop powerful weapons which they could use against other countries.  Thus, it is a world power because of financial and military superiority.  US can force other countries to follow what it want.

  13. Freedom, plain and simple.

  14. America has done some dirty to claw it's way to the top

  15. Our Economy

    Our Military

  16. generally they are the heart of the worl economy

    and their highly advanced military technology

  17. An ability to consume 2/3 of natural resources harvested on Earth

  18. America has a good climate & many natural resources, which allowed it to industrialize quickly in the 1800s and become somewhat powerful. Then, all other highly industrialized countires (basically, Europe) were severly damaged by both WWI and WWII, which gave the US an advantage economically & militarily. America has been working hard to keep that advantage ever since.

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