
What makes Australians better rugby and cricket players?

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What makes Australians better rugby and cricket players?




  1. Better than who ?

    The all-blacks thrash them more often than not at rugby.

    Who bothers with cricket it's boring. Oh i've just realised why your better BORING.

  2. I think it's because they've got nothing else to do!

  3. basically money they invest in their sports we dont in britain

  4. With rugby league, it's because they have a lot more players to choose from than the North of England and it's only in these two places that the game is a major sport.

    With other sports it is because they have had academies in place for years to get kids trained up in sports. Thanks to the weather and the fact that Austrailia's biggest population centres are near the coast, they are brought up swimming, surfing and generaly making their own sports on the beach.

  5. Cheating? Steroids? Running from Crocs? Maybe its all the Red Back spider bites, lol.  All I know is they are very boring and when they lose they should win the sulking competition.

  6. Australian born,

    Australian bread,

    Strong in the arm,

    Weak in the head!!!!

  7. As far as rugby goes the practise they put in trying to catch kangaroos serves them well.Boomerang throwing helps their cricketing arm, surfing gives them good balance and mosquito swatting helps their batting

  8. I tink its the sun

  9. 1. They have more sunshine - time when they can practice

    2. There are more of them!!!!

  10. they cheat. ask the chappells about the underarm bowl.

  11. The investment that the government puts into school sports. The government spends far more per student than here in the UK, and it shows.

  12. Who the h**l says their better, as far as I'm concerned they had a really bad run in the Super 14 and I don't see their National side doing any better this year. As for the cricket, the good form will pass eventually, though I have to admit that currently they are the best in the world.

  13. have u actually seen the all blacks play, they are much better than the aussies,

  14. I don't know about cricket, but as for rugby, it is the competition.  The southern hemispere has the best rugby in the world between South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.  Other teams are all minor league in comparison.

  15. nothing you arent better rugby players, i couldnt care less about cricket though i have a theory. its because they are descended from convicts who do a lot working out and then they become so built up that they are tanks and their children are tanks etc. of course this would help in rugby if they could find a good coach

  16. As far as Rugby goes an Aussie's good imagination. Cricket however their just  better at playing with small balls.

  17. Because they live down under and its cooler down under. Obviously.

  18. Better than whom?  and which form of rugby?  The Australians aren't better than the All Blacks at union - no-one comes close.

  19. Because they have a winning culture, invest in Sport and if they are successful at something, they keep going. The "mate" ethic is very strong and useful in team sports.The climate of course helps but given their population size, we are pathetic by comparison and yes, the All Blacks do beat them at rugby but apart from that sport, the Aussies are superior in nearly every other. They produce good golfers on a regular basis and are second behind the US as a golf nation, their swimmers leave ours trailing and they produce some really good pro cyclists( although we have been better in that area lately). It's all about ambition, determination and application. We win something and every one goes on the p*** they go looking for the next step in improvement.

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