
What makes Canada so great?

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What makes Canada so great?




  1. Diverse country from coast to coast.

    Welcomes diversities and languages

    Lower crime rate then the US (strict gun laws)

    We do not welcome racism and find those that do offensive and frightening.

    My neighbours all around me are multicultural and I am very pleased to have them, I learn from them and find it fascinating.

    We are tolerant to all.

    Natural resources water and oil.

    Natural beauty abounds.


  2. beer, hockey & snow.

    (laid back atmosphere, clean air, not overcrowded, multicultural, oh yes and the medicare lol, ..etc..)

    everyones all like :ew its so cold there and theres so much snow.

    but theres nothing wrong with snow when its clean and fluffy. maybe it sucks to drive on and shovel, but its still not as bad as everyone thinks.


    I'm a lobster fisherman in Newfoundland

    I'm a clambake in P.E.I.

    I'm a picnic, I'm a banquet

    I'm mother's homemade pie

    I'm a few drafts in a Legion hall in Fredericton

    I'm a kite-flyer in a field in Moncton

    I'm a nap on a porch after a hard day's work is done

    I'm a snowball fight in Truro Nova Scotia

    I'm small kids playing jacks and skipping rope

    I'm a mother who lost a son in the last war

    And I'm a bride with a brand new ring

    And a chest of hope

    I'm an Easterner

    I'm a Westerner

    I'm from the North

    And I'm from the South

    I've swam in two big oceans

    and I've loved them both

    I'm a clown in Québec during carnival

    I'm a mass in the Catherdral of St. Paul

    I'm a hockey game in the Forum

    I'm Rocket Richard and Jean Beliveau

    I'm a coach for the little league Expos

    I'm a babysitter for sleep-defying rascals

    I'm a canoe trip down the Ottawa

    I'm a holiday on the Trent

    I'm a mortage, I'm a loan

    I'm last week's unpaid rent

    I'm Yorkville after dark

    I'm a walk in the park

    I'm a Winnipeg gold-eye

    I'm a hand-made trout fly

    I'm a wheat-field and a sunset

    Under a prairie-sky

    I'm Sir John A. Macdonald

    I'm Alexander Graham Bell

    I'm a pow-wow dancer

    And I'm Louis Riel

    I'm the Calgary Stampede

    I'm the feathered sarcee

    I'm Edmonton at night

    I'm a bar-room fight

    I'm a rigger, I'm a cat

    I'm a ten-gallon hat

    And an unnamed mountain in the interior of B.C.

    I'm a maple tree and a totem pole

    I'm sunshine showers

    And fresh-cut flowers

    I'm a ferry boat rode to the Island

    I'm the Yukon

    I'm the North-West Territories

    I'm the Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort Sea

    I'm the prairies, I'm the Great Lakes,

    I'm the Rockies, I'm the Laurentians,

    I am French

    I am English

    And I am Métis

    But more then this

    Above all this

    I am Canadian and proud to be free!


    I know this place is where I am

    No other place is better than

    No matter where I go I am

    Proud to be Canadian

    I am. You know I am.

    I am Canadian.

    I am. You know I am.

    I am Canadian.

    I love this country where I am

    This land is where I make my stand

    Y’a Pas un Coeur Qui est (No other heart is)

    Truer than

    The one we call Canadian.

    I am. You know I am.

    I am Canadian.

    I am. You know I am.

    I am Canadian.

    I am Canadian!!!


    "Hey, I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader...

    I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled...

    and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,

    although I'm certain they're really really nice.

    I have a Prime Minister, not a president.

    I speak English and French, not American.

    And I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.

    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.

    I believe in peace keeping, not policing,

    diversity, not assimilation,

    and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.

    A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,

    and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed' !!!!

    Canada is the second largest landmass!

    The first nation of hockey!

    and the best part of North America

    My name is Brittany Cameron !!

    And I am Canadian!!!"

  4. well he's got the first part right we do have a lot of horny asian chicks that are hot. But Canada is great because it was formed by people from different nations from the world and is a microcasm of the world trying to become a better place. There is no majority of people in canada, each province is its own kind. Also there is a huge oppurtunity to become established in Canada, not like america where yu have to give up all your beliefs and become them them, in Canada you can be yourself and no one will bother you about it, unless you have a religion where you can go around and act like a nuisense to the public. Canada is a place were people are polite and willing to help out each other because they know the other person would do the same for them. Canada is so great not because of the government, the things we have or make, we are great becuase of the people, the people that are polite, clean, and most of the time funny, but if you would like to go to america where you are looked down on for being yourself, or not fitting in. Also we are so great becuase we have most of the world's oil and freshwater, and lumber that America can never take becuase China wants it really badly too. If you go to america you are most likely going to be the victim of mass stupidity and ignorance, also if you come to Canada you can make fun of Americans all you want( the funny thing is that they actually think we like them, and they think were nice to them.)

  5. Juan R says it right (except for montreal does NOT have a higher crime rate then Toronto for goodness sakes lol) If you are in Canada like he said  you do not have to give up your cultural pride like in the US. You can fly your flag wherever you wish and it is not looked upon as a sin. We do not think anything of multiracial marriages much like parts of the US. We welcome diversity and bend to accomodate others cultural and religious beliefs. We marry g**s so that says alot dont you think. You will not see hate crimes and people spewing racist rants in Canada or hanging nooses to prove a point. You will not see groups of people hating "illigal immigrants" like they do in the US. If I was to find out who was here illegally I would like to find a way for them to be here legally as they cannot have our free medicare that most of us enjoy. Thousands of people die due to inability to have medical help without insurance in the US, we have medicare which makes it available to all. We have strict gun laws and so we dont have to worry about our neighbour taking his right to arm himself literally and kill people and get away with it like they recently did in Plano Texas. We are peace loving and respected world wide. That is just some of the reasons why I love Canada.

  6. That's easy!

    To find the answer to your question look at this:

  7. 1.  Canada is fifth in the world regarding standard of living.

    2. Anyone in Canada can mail a letter to their member of Parliament(while it is in session) without paying postage.

    3. Canada is a constitutional monarchy and federal state with a democratic parliament.

    4.  Canada is one of the top 10 most popular spot for international tourists.

    Inventions by Canadian:

    Plexiglass, antigravity suits, blood test, cardiac intensive care units, ear piercing, electric cooking range, electric hand prosthesis for children, electrical car.

    Some famous Canadians:

    Howie Mandel, Terry Fox, Michael J. Fox, Rick Mercer,  William Shatner, Sebastian Spence, Rick Hansen,  General Rick Hillier, Karen Kain, Lorne Green, Jim Carey Wayne Gretzky and Ken Taylor.

    Canada is one the world's best kept secret.  Canada Rocks!!!

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