
What makes December 21 2012 more popular than other predicted world ending dates?

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Everybody talks about December 21 2012 being the end of the world.

There were other predictions, weren't there? So what makes Dec 21 get all this hype?




  1. Indeed this idea came from the Mayans' belief that the galaxy moved through great cycles of 5125 Earth years. December 21 is the winter solstice, the end of their year, and that particular year is the end of one of these galactic cycles.

  2. It's said to be the end of the Mayan calendar.

  3. Because its just around the corner (date wise) ...and like a bad horror movie we just love to be scared...

  4. i first heard that it was dec 12, then i heard it was december 21. one of those days is the winter solstice. personally, i just think that its just when the mayans quit working on the calendar. it ends on 12 of 2012, and the solstice makes it a significant day, its the end of the calendar year so why not end it there. Im pretty sure to keep continuing on the calendar when they already had it mapped out hundreds and hundreds of years was of no use to the mayans other than for curiousity. I had also heard the world was supposed to end sometime in the 1970's then again in 1999 then again in 2000. At this rate, we'll be 9 or 10 worlds in debt by the next century, lmao. And just think of this, if they were such good readers of the future, dont you think theyd still be around? cause, they came to a pretty blunt end.

  5. The same guys that marketed the "Harmonic Convergence" are

    hyping the 2012 thing.  It's all to sell books.

    I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

  6. idk, i have never hear of it B4  

  7. i thought it  was september 21 ?    thats when there calander ends!IDK

  8. Because it's a very ominous date for many reasons, and may very well be the end of the we know it. The other recent doomsday predictions were based on nothing more than interpretation of ancient prophecy or myth. There is some real science behind the Dec 21, 2012 predictions. If you can manage to get through the barrage of contradictions and inaccuracies on the internet, and keep an open mind, you can find the answers.  The "hype" is aways created by the doomsayers, those that predict calamity at every opportunity. Kinda reminds me of the "boy who cried wolf scenario"  This time the wolf may indeed be coming for the flock.

    Only time will tell..

  9. The widespread use and influence of the internet.

    Ever since the 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenario did not pan out, the scare mongers have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.

    "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    Each new Christian denomination seems to worry about the end of the world a bit too much. Then after a couple of centuries, they realize that there are always wars and rumors of wars, etc.

    I won't even mention the hundreds of false predictions of the end of the world over the centuries, all of which were based on individual interpretations of biblical prophecies.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everthing happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:

    With love in Christ.

  10. Carbon emissions and glacier melting in Switzerland.

  11. ppl want to make news but maybe maybe not read Matthew 3:15  

  12. because of an ancient civilization being so accurate with there calender and that is the date there calender ended. Also the way everything is happening in the world these days makes that day get all the hype.  

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