
What makes Israel so democratic?

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What makes Israel so democratic?




  1. The fact that it is a Western style democracy is a similar mold as other Western style democracies such as the USA, Canada, and the UK.


    And one of the things that "mark" will never say is give a logical argument as to why a) Israel is a colony (it isn't) b) why a written constitution is necessary perquisite for being a democracy (it isn't) c) why he keeps on pointing out that the UK is a monarchy (the important point is that it is a democracy which demolishes his point) d) Admit that "Karen Kayemet" does not own ALL land in Israel nor explain why that demonstrates that Israel is not democratic.

    But thats what you get when you get an anti Israel crank. All that matters is the brainless anti Israel talking point.

  2. high education for most its peoples

  3. freedom of speech,freedom of religion, equal rights to all people regardless of s*x,religion or race.

    read the "megila" ,it's word for word.

    from these freedoms we have free press and free elections

    all can put their name on the ballot be them jews christians muslims and  whichever other religion you can think of..

  4. The country's constitution is pretty much based on the United Kingdom's. That is to say it is a constitutional republic. The parliament, or Knesset is composed of elected officials. All citizens of the state have the right to vote in these elections. There is freedom of press, freedom of immigration, free speech, protests, g*y rights, religious freedoms (recognizes over ten religions), etc. The country has a very strong democracy, and one can especially see this by the fact that there are Arab ministers in the Knesset who openly call for Israel's destruction and visit hostile Arab neighboring countries. I would like to see any Arab country (or any for that matter) that has ministers in the parliament calling for the destruction of their own country!

  5. It is a parliamentary democracy. Lists can be elected for the Knesset provided that they have at least 2% support. In voting for the Knesset you vote for the above. In the election results, they divide the Knesset seats by the amount of votes that the list receives. Then, the top list candidates for the amount of seats gets to represents their list for the Knesset. People vote directly for the Prime Minister.

  6. America.  Sometimes they forget.

  7. Israel is nothing but a colonial democracy where laws are used to protect the colonial rule.

    Israel has no written constitution. " The UK is a monarchy"

    Israel has no Bill Of Rights.

    The land in Israel is owned by colonial institutions. "Karan Kayamat"

    All that the Israeli will not tell you and they will keep saying Israel is a democracy.

  8. it has been proven that israel is the most democratic country in the middle east.The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a leading research and advisory firm, recently ranked the 20 Middle Eastern countries on 15 different indicators of democracy and political freedom. Israel placed first in the region as the most democratic nation with a score of 8.20 out of a possible 10. Following Israel was Lebanon with a score of 6.55,

    what makes israel such a democratic states, are the following ,there is,freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press in Israel ,there is freedom of religion,Israel Among World's More Honest States ,as in other democratic states, the democratic rule is rooted in the following principles and institutions: basic laws that lay down the order of government and of the citizens' rights; the holding of elections to the house of representatives and to municipal councils every few years, following which, a central government and local authorities are set up, based on the principle of the rule of the majority, with the rights of the minority guaranteed by law; the principle of the separation between the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judiciary, to which the institution of state control has been added; freedom of the press.

  9. The fact  that all Israeli citizens irrespective of religion, race, s*x, sexual preference, etc have a vote to elect members of the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset). There are Arab members of the Knesset as well as Jews. The Head of State is the President but this a mainly ceremonial role (there have been no Arab Presidents but there was a an Arab acting President last year).

  10. what makes them Democratic?

    the Answer: because they can kill poor Palis without being sent to jail!

  11. There are different forms of Democracy--ours here in Israel is pretty much a combination of the American and English forms. We do NOT act own our own as do terrorist bands or groupings, but we have an ELECTED government which very often is CHANGED BY THE BALLOT (will of the people), whereas in the countries of our Arab neighbors, this seems to come about ONLY AFTER THE DEATH OF THE LEADER -- such as in Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Iraq, and in the case of Iran--after the violent overthrowal of the regime!

  12. Dandyl gave you a very good answer which i can only put emphasis on to be quite honest.

    But yes.

    Israel holds free elections to its citizens.

    Israel holds practically the same laws as a western Democratic country.

    Its known globally that Israel is one of the only great democracy's in the middle east.

  13. Its government are recognised by all superpowers.

    Free elections.

    Freedom of speech.

  14. It has been proven to be the most democratic country in the Middle East...that says

  15. Free elections, free press, equality in the face of the law, education toward tolerance, separation of authorities.

  16. Nothing; it is an ethnocracy or ethnic sate. The core of zionism is ethnic cleansing,which is pretty much all this presumed 'democracy" does with the billions in welfare it receives from the U.S.  

  17. Nothing.

    Its ruled by an absolute, totalitarian, and religious body, just like the arab states surrounding it.

    Anybody can be "voted" in as pm....h**l, look at castro....or Kim jung il.....Democratic Republic of Republic of Korea(thats the north)....yeah right...

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