
What makes Jose Canseco think that he can be a MMA fighter?

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What makes Jose Canseco think that he can be a MMA fighter?




  1. After getting KTFO in 97 seconds I bet Jose Canseco has forgotten all about any MMA aspirations

  2. Years of Steroid abuse have a direct impact on your concepts of reality.

  3. Steroids.

  4. His ego and need for money.  He is pretty far in depth and just lost his house and he certainly can't go back to baseball and play at the level that he once did.  As for coaching he is not even have any chance to do that since no school or club will touch him given the history of his drug and alcohol abuse.  His athletic skill and abilities served him in the past but unfortunately those wear away with time and age just as they do for everyone.  I guess he thought they would still serve him enough to do this, make him a couple of big paydays, and get him at least back on his feet.  His recent loss by knockout in the first round probably has derailed that train.  In some ways it is sad that a player of the stature that he was with all that talent, fame, and fortune has now fallen so low.

  5. MMA is a growing sport, and he's an aging ex-pro athlete who needs money.

    Will he make it? no.

  6. The fact that he is a complete idiot and a tremendos jacka55 probably has something to do with it, and money as well.

  7. Jose is a tall big guy who is athletic. He thinks that is all it takes to become a fighter. He didn't take the boxing thing serious... he stated that. He could appreciate MMA and even train MMA but will he ever become a elite fighter in MMA. He has a better chance of fighting some people in backyards, making a high-light reel out of it, put it on YouTube and get signed that way. Seems to be a new way to "become an elite MMA fighter" instead of all the hard work and training you have to go through. Jose is a moron too... that also contributes to why he thinks he can be an MMA fighter.

  8. His huge ego.

    Jose Canseco= douchebag of the year

  9. he thinks he can do any sport...he thinks he can still play baseball, jeez

    see kids steroids and drugs will make you delusional.

    don't do drugs

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