
What makes NFL Football the most popular sport over the others?

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It shows in many places that the NFL is the best of America's "Big 3" or "Big 4" sports.It brings in more viewers than any other sport,especially during the Super Bowl.Many gamers buy Madden NFL every year.There are more reason than i can list in these details,but let's just get to it.Why NFL over all the rest?




  1. it is nonstop action and a combination of what america loves most: watching one guy take down another and watching spectacular plays and the unthinkable happening

  2. The Sport itself is amazing.

    Simply brilliant .

    And it requires a lot of strategy.

  3. It's really a combination of things.  Unlike any other major sport, you're talking about athletes with an unusual combination of both speed and power.  You have players that weigh over 300 lbs. who can run like the wind.  The game itself moves so fast, and there is action going on all the time, which is something fans like to see.   And the precision of the game is second to none.  You have 11 players on a team who must be in sync with one another on every single play, like a well oiled machine.  Finally, football is a physical game, and by nature, like it or not, people are drawn to this.  As a fan, when you see a player or players on your team pounce on the opposing team's ball carrier and knock the stuffing out of him, you get a "rush" unlike anything you get or feel in any other sport.  Or when your team returns a kickoff or punt back for a touchdown.  Nothing like it. Hope this helps.

  4. cuz anything can happen during any play  its the excitement  it could be a fumble and now all of the sudden or team has a chance

  5. A lot of action and takes good strategies to win.

  6. cause there is alot more going on

    more action

  7. Strategy, you see its the ball? It has a strange shape and you have to hold on to it and if you let it go, then it better be to a team mate who can hold on to the ball. See you cant drop the ball even while running, throwing, kicking, or getting hit (fumble, interceptions, stripped) by the opposing team while trying to reach the ominous end-zone to score points (touchdowns, field goals, two point conversions and PATs) Maybe it should have been called "don't drop the ball" or DropBall,,,Nawwwww not good for adverts.

    But seriously I think its all hype, uniforms (gladiator type), s*x (cheerleaders) and money. Note its only in the U.S.A. as the most popular sport, some may argue baseball and world series. In canada its hokey and the rest of the world its "real football" or as we say in the states Soccer.

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