
What makes Obama so inspiring?

by  |  earlier

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The speechs are so motivating. I leave every rally thinking,

We are part of something great! Yes. We. Can!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what about that song by Wonderful!




  1. Marketing is not what is so inspiring about Obama, or any other candidate for that matter.  His desire for change and his lack of political experience are what drives a lot of people in my opinion.  Maybe a lack thereof is the change we need.

  2. his speech writers are giving his supporters exactly what they want to hear.

  3. Media and good writers

  4. Because, above all, he is rhetorically involving us, "the people" as part of the process of change, not just speaking of what he will do for us or on our behalf, as if the citizens are nothing but passive spectators, besides voting and donating money.  Clinton and Edwards spoke of fighting FOR us, but little about involving us, and real change starts with the empowerment and movement of the people.

  5. what makes him so inspiring is that hes not hillary clinton

  6. the fact that everyone else running  are a bunch of morons!

  7. Charisma

  8. He is very charismatic and wants to change America for the better. It is a trait that he was born with that VERY few people are lucky to have. I've heard from Hillary supporting friends that some of his speeches are just amazing in indescribable ways. It makes them wanna cry for joy even though they support Hillary. And the song by Will.I.Am is on youtube and it's called "Yes we Can."

  9. In the time period we are lliving, people are seeking a new hope, a guaranteed change and genuine promise. Barrack Obama is obviosuly expressing this to his fellow fans and supporters.

    We all seek something in each person and we can only realize this if we have faith, belief and trust.

    Obama is showing to be a man of hope, a man who is willing to bring change and is giving his own word looking straight into the eye of his believers.

    Certainly we can, so lets make change happen and turn this something great into a strong, united and new country!

  10. there are allot of inspiring people that don't need to become president i feel people are getting caught up in the hipe and giving him a free pass on real issues

  11. The media determines who and what you watch and when you should watch it. He is a black man running for presidency. That is big news in itself. He'll get plenty of coverage. So we have a woman running and a black man running, this is a historical moment. We will always see  the best of the candidates, and the best times. They are "taught" how to act, speak, stand, gesture, whatever, for us..Aww isn't that sweet. It's like "staging" your home to be sold.

  12. 1)  Intelligence

    2)  Sincerity

    3)  Integrity

    4)  The ability to speak well while simultaneously using correct grammar AND pronunciation.

  13. well, the media spams you with him at every turn.

    how could the average person who watches tube all night not think he isn't the amazing person ever?

    it's called marketing

  14. It's called being enamored.  You'll outgrow it soon.

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